Chapter 5: Mad Shade

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I woke up in a bush. I crawled out with my foot tangled in some sort of black snake. I shook my leg around trying to get rid of it because I hate snakes, but it seemed to be attached to the bush. Then I heard a groan like a zombie coming from the bush.

"Jasper can you stop pulling on my hair?" Lacie was awake. Great! Her hair was wrapped around my leg. Not great. I tried untangling it, but it was stuck. She crawled out, saw me, sighed and pulled a hunting knife from her boot.

"You've had that the whole time and never thought to use it?" I asked as she chopped at her hair.

"I knew you would be okay." She said. She stood up. Her hair was now just long enough to touch her shoulders. She glared at me. Then Lacie 2 crawled out from a nearby bush.

"Jasper," she said. "Your nose is bleeding."

"That's what I was going to say." Lacie said.

"Well, at least we can tell who's who." I said gesturing to Lacie's haircut. "What do we even call you?" I asked Lacie 2.

"Paula!" Lacie shouted. We stared at her.

"The female version of Polly" she said.

"Don't ask," I said to Lacie 2.

"Well I kinda like it," Paula said. Then from somewhere behind me, I heard a voice.

"Who's that, Merlin?" I turned and saw a young boy and a wizard.

"You!" Merlin hissed. I came to a sudden realization. Merlin didn't have a shadow. He was the shadow.

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