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                 There is a story my mother used to tell me. She told me of a man, a human light bearer specifically; who was so iniquitous, so ruthless, and so monstrous, that his story is still told to scare children today. Even the old tales of Dredgen Yor pale to his nowadays although that could be linked to a simple loss of records over so many centuries. She would always tell me, "/Those like him, the ones who are aware that what they are doing is morally cruel and unjust, The ones that embrace that creature...those are the ones who are the most evil, and the most successful/".

    Funny how I took those words so literally as now, an entire galaxy lies shredded before me as the remnants of a once great enemy cowers before my red glare. Of course this story isn't about me. That is one you would neither understand nor care to try to.

      He used to be just as noble as any protector of a dying species. He was also just as naive. That naivety was his downfall, and he was beaten, broken, alone. It was at that moment, before he stared Lady Death directly in the eyes and said to her; "I defy your hand". He reached deep into the dark and a spark of light touched the tips of his fingers, igniting into an inferno.

      It is here, where he becomes the Fire Demon where his twisted story begins..

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