Chapter 2

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Rogue inspected the worn down, burned, and misused Ace of Spades that had been taken from Cayde-6 by the now hated, Prince Uldren. Under ordinary circumstances, Rogue would have let this one slide. There was already a light bearer hunting for Uldren and she was managing just fine. Besides; it's not as if Rogue hasn't killed a few guardians himself.

Was it for vengeance? Definitely not. Rogue had never been close to the reckless Hunter Vanguard, much less even interacted with him. No, Uldren was under the influence of an ahamkara. A taken one to be exact, and by no means would Aretho like the idea of a competitor who also happens to be taken.

Rogue scoffed when he saw the broken king crows crawling away and paced towards him. Uldren, clutching his side with dirt and ash coating his blue skin, turned over to face Rogue and laughed. "Congratulations," He began, "You have my full attention. Now where is my sister?" "Dead, obviously." Rogue checked the chamber in the Ace of Spades. Two bullets left, he'd only need one.

Petra Venj, the late Awoken Queen's Wrath finally made it into the room, breathless and out of energy. Was she expecting the presence of Rogue? The Fire Demon? Probably. Was she expecting a bullet tearing through her chest? Definitely not. "Sorry, Petra. Not sorry. I don't need your explosive temper right now. Your corsairs aren't far behind. I can guess that as much."

Uldren, whether out of the subconscious will to escape or fear of Rogue, began to scoot back. "Alright peacock, listen up. You're a dead man; obviously. Though how you can die is up to you. Answer my question thoroughly, and when Petra's Corsair's arrive, they'll take you prisoner and you know the rest. You might be able to escape, maybe. Or don't answer my question and-"

"Is this really what the glorious Cayde-6 would want? You have his gun. I won't answer your questions, light bearer." Uldren made one last move, one last desperate bid to be spared before closing his eyes. Perhaps if he was strong willed enough, maybe, just maybe he would live to see his sister, wherever she was.


He wouldn't.

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