O' Demon Mine

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       I tried to help him. I really did and if a ghost could cry, I would. Ever since Old Russia, he's been slowly changing into this...monster. This "Fire Demon" as he put it.

     No. That's not the case at all. My Rogue died the moment Taniks took his eye. That was the day he became the Fire Demon. I was just too blind to see it. I love him, I really do. All Ghosts love their lightbearers, or at least most of them do.

    Though no matter how many times I bring him back from every bullet, sword, explosion, debris, or creature that kills him. In the end, my Rogue is dead. I can't let this Demon continue to run around. I know exactly who I have to go to.

     Sorry Rogue, but I'm going to make sure that you are put down.


        Cold. That's all Rogue knew he was feeling in that moment. He felt no sensation of touch. When he inhaled to breathe, nothing entered his lungs. All he saw was blackness. Nothing but blackness.

       The only thing Rogue knew he felt, was the shivering cold. It was unbearable, painful even. He tried to let out a scream, but nothing came out. Then there was a distant light. It grew and grew until it enveloped the terrified demon.

       Awake. That was the first word he thought when he opened his eyes. He was awake. He was alive. "Brenda?" He shakily called for his ghost. Nothing came. He felt no connection to the light, and his heart sank.

     "~Do not be afraid, Fire Demon. She was weak. She held you back,~" Aretho began while taking the form of what appeared to be a flaming skeletal structure of a dragon. "~We are better off without her.~" "She was my friend." "~Friends come and go as humans put it. If it is companionship you seek, then look no further, for I am here, O' Demon Mine.~"

           Rogue sighed, this morning his typical composure was broken. His wisecracking, sometimes sociopathic attitude that he put on display was really just a shell and he knew it. Deep down, he was just a broken man with nothing in his life that defined him.

      "~Remember your purpose?~" Aretho grew tenfold in size and looked over him. "~Don't you remember the oath you made? You're The Fire Demon! Your might will bring this realm order!~" "You seem to forget that I am mortal now." "~You always have been. Death was always a possibility for you; now is nothing different. If it's power you seek, well, you have much more than your ghost could give.~"

     Aretho turned into a wisp of fire which went down Rogue's throat. Rogue gagged and shivered but he felt empowered. It was as if death itself did not matter! "~Now move forward, O' Demon Mine. We have work to do.~"

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