[01] Meeting Eden

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I WOKE UP to the sound of my alarm blaring through the speakers in my phone, startling me as I awoke from my well needed slumber.

I needed another hour. Just sixty minutes longer of sleep, but I know dad will be furious if I over sleep because that would mean I won't have enough time to get ready properly and I won't arrive to school on time. It sounds so minor but to my dad, nothing is minor, everything is a big deal.

As if on que, a knock sounded at my door before dad slowly opened my door, clad in a neat and sleek suit, his hair gelled back and his blazer ironed to perfection. It was crisp and neat, like it always was.

"You're up." he announced.

Obviously, I felt like saying.

I nodded, sitting up in my bed, "Yes, I am." I stated the obvious, "Are you off to work?"

He nodded, straightening his already straight tie, "Correct." he scoffed, "Make sure you aren't late."

I nodded, unable to say bye, as he had already closed my door and left.

I sighed, pulling myself out of bed before walking over to my walk-in-wardrobe, heading straight over to the corner segment that I sectioned off specifically for my uniform.

Goose bumps arose on my skin as I stripped out of my Victoria's Secret silk pyjama set. Even though dad spent thousands on the air conditioning in this house, it still gets freezing. Nothing can beat the freezing temperatures we experience in Dayton Lakes during winter.

A nice hot shower would be splendid right now, but unfortunately with my tight schedule that isn't possible as of this morning. I'll make sure to have one when I get home from school, though.

I grabbed the plaid emerald green skirt off the silver hanger, unzipping it before pulling it up my legs, yanking it over my broad hips, so that it was resting on my waist. I pulled the zipper up before securing the button above it and rolling the top band over twice.

Next, I grabbed the white long-sleeved button up off the hanger before slipping my arms through the holes and buttoning it up before tucking it into my skirt and fixing up the collar, undoing the top two buttons.

This uniform is hideous as it is, and to make it even worse, I have to wear a sweater. An itchy, cotton sweater. Not cashmere, just cotton. 

I pulled the flexible material over my head before tucking it into my skirt also, pulling the collar out from beneath the scratchy material.

I walked over to my set of drawers and pulled out my black socks, knee-high socks, particularly. I've never been a fan, but it's mandatory at Dayton Academy, so unfortunately, I have to wear them whether I like it or not.

Last of all, I grabbed my shoes, well heels. Seating myself down on the bench like stool in between the shelf which holds all my shoes and the shelf that shows off all my high-end bags, slipping the black socks up my legs until they reached just above my knees.

I slipped my feet into the black faux leather heels. I know wearing heels to school, especially a private school, seems like the most farfetched and extra thing possible, but surprisingly, as long as they're black and no high than four inches, it's acceptable.

They're platform heels too, so they're actually comfortable. Plus, I dislike sneakers and I despise those ugly lace up shoes that every private school forces pupils to wear.

I secured the strap around my ankle, standing up as I flattened out my skirt.

I stared at my reflection in my overly large mirror. My skirt reached a few centimeters above my knees, not far from where my socks ended. My collar was sharp and my heels looked nice, especially considering they're school ones. Well they aren't sold by any school related shops, but they are still considered school appropriate.

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