[06] Sweetheart

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I OBSERVED EDEN as she hopped into the passenger seat of my car, her expression showing amazement and a hint of jealousy, whether that be over me or my car, I don't know.

I sat in the lush driver's seat, starting the car before beginning the short drive home to Dayton Estate, where Eden also happens to live, coincidentally.

"So, the new girl lives in Dayton Estate, huh?" I made conversation.

I didn't necessarily want to talk to her, but the silence was awkward and now I know she's related to a Dayton Lake's icon, as well as lives in the wealthy area, I want to know about her, I am starting to think that maybe I don't know who she is.

I thought she was just some sketchy new girl that tries too hard to be different and likes to ask far too many questions.

"Yeah." Eden replied bluntly, "You live there too?"

I nodded, chuckling, "Of course." I replied as though it was obvious, well it is, "I wouldn't be popular if I didn't."

"Does Lakyn live there too?" she pried.

I nodded, gulping, "Yes, he does." I answered, "As well as Miles, though I am sure you know that already."

Eden furrowed her eyebrows, "Miles?" she said confused, "Who the hell is Miles?"

I scrunched my nose up, right.

"Hale, I mean." I corrected myself.

"Why did you call him Miles?" she questioned.

I slowed down at a yellow light, "Because that's his real name, he just prefers to go by Hale." 


I groaned. Here comes Eden's nosey questions. Is it bad that I am starting to get used to it?

"Family reasons." I answered her briefly, not wanting to give her too much detail into Hale's life, I know he wouldn't appreciate that.

She nodded, understanding. Thankfully she chose not to continue the conversation, instead she changed the subject.

"What about you?"

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean 'what about me?'"

"You hate going by Lilac." 

I nodded, impressed with her observation skills. She may be nosey, but she isn't stupid, that's for sure. No one seems to get the point that I do not like going by Lilac, it's simple, just remove the 'c' from the end.

"There is no deep meaning behind it, I just simply do not like it." I told her as I made a left turn, "I think it's obscure."

"I like it." Eden said matter-of-factly, "It's different, unlike my boring ass name."

I smiled tightly, "At least you aren't named after a stupid purple flower."

Eden laughed, "I mean, according to the bible, my name literally was used for the garden that Adam and Eve first lived in, apparently." she explained.

I laughed ever so softly. I already knew that, but her explanation was humorous and slightly off.

"So, you're a flower and I'm a garden." she chuckled to herself, "How ironic, huh?"

I nodded. It was ironic, really.


The rest of the ride was silent, up until we reached the tall gate which prohibited outsiders from entering the residence, using the code I have to put into the pad on the side of the gate, a buzz being sounded before it opened automatically, allowing us in.

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