[64] You Loved Her

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L A K Y N ' S P O V

"SO, THAT'S IT." Hale snorted, taking a puff of the shitty joint he rolled.

I nodded, snorting. "Yeah." I huffed. "That's it."

Police busted this sorry excuse of a fucking party over two hours ago. It's two AM now and everyone except that stupid bitch Poppy-fucking-Huntington and one of her clingy little friends stayed. Hale and I surrounded the fire, him sitting just next to me as we breathed in the cold air. They came back at the right time because I just finished telling Hale how my sorry ass lost the one good thing in my life.

Leach one and two decided to come back, unfortunately, after claiming they had to go to the restroom. It's fucking weird how if one girl has to go to the toilet, the other does too. It's not like they piss together.

I will absolutely never fucking understand women.

Poppy planted herself back down on Hale's lap where she has been almost the entire night. At this point, I was sure that her boney ass was causing Hale actual pain. He didn't even like her, she was just easy. And there's nothing wrong with that, I've fucked her before too, but she won't give up the whole he's going to change for me I can fix him act.

"Do you want to. . .maybe go upstairs or something?" the other girl asked and it was only then that I noticed she was sitting next to me.

Giving her a look of disgust, I shook my head. "Nah." I respond carelessly.

"You know, when people talked about Lakyn Westbrook the proclaimed asshole of Dayton Academy, I thought he can't be that bad, can he?" she grabs her purse which was covered in sparkly shit. Honestly, it looked like it was from the dollar store. "You can't even pretend to like someone."

Clearing my throat, I laugh. "I am." I reply nonchalantly. "Pretending, that is. A bit of an asshole too. But only sometimes." I smirk.

The nameless girl raised her middle finger to me and I just roll my eyes. If this exact moment happened three months ago. . .before her, I would take her upstairs and fuck her until it hurts. She isn't that pretty, in fact, she looks just like every other blonde girl in this stupid fucking town. Every blonde girl except for her.

"Dick." she retorts, finally locating that sticky clear stuff in that tube that Violet hates. She would say her hair would get stuck in it. She made me try it one time too and I absolutely fucking hated it. "So, what happened to you and Lila?"

Who the fuck does she think she is?

I winced at the sound of her name. "Last time I checked it's none of your fucking business." I screwed my face up.

She was a bitch. Acting as though she was entitled to an explanation. What happened is that I loved her too fucking hard. I made her my property, not because I wanted to, but because she saved me. She protected me from everything bad in the world and I didn't want to lose her.

I shouldn't have taken my anger out on her when it was other greedy eyes looking at her in the wrong places. I just got scared because I am nothing special. I am stupid and fucked up and so fucking angry. All the damn time. But she thought I was special and I ruined it.

What happened was that she—unlike most of us—got an opportunity to get out of the goddamn money-greedy town and become the person that she always wanted to be and I encouraged her to do it. But then I fell in love with her and refused to accept that she is going to be somewhere without me.

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