[51] I Missed You

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I WOKE UP at five AM sharp, ready for the day of which I had been both dreading and looking forward to since early April. Today is the first day since my mother's passing that I return to Dayton Academy.

It feels foreign, getting up, and prepared for school whilst being here not at home. It sounds stupid, but I miss sitting at my vanity and doing my make-up. I miss my walk-in-wardrobe and having Elaine do my washing. First world problems, I suppose.

But, I must admit, waking up next to Lakyn in bed, naked, may I add, is the best thing ever. He only takes fifteen minutes to get ready, supposedly, so I left him to sleep as I got up and had a hot shower to wake me up. After stepping out, I sat on Lakyn's couch next to Marley, doing my make-up. 

That portion of my routine only took fifteen minutes as all I did was apply a thick coat of mascara to my eyelashes, swipe some transparent gloss across my lips and dabbed a minimal amount of pale concealer beneath my eyes to hide the many sleepless nights from peers whom will analyze the death out of me today.

I straightened my hair in the downstairs bathroom, sliding my black headband on, then grabbing my handbag and phone, going back to the sofa and waiting for sleepy head to finally awake.

As I waited for him, I could not help but feel excited about finally getting to see Hale and Eden. Part of me feared seeing Blaire because I knew that she could rather be sickly sweet or awfully mean, but nothing that I cannot handle. I was stressed about the missed work too. My grades were perfect enough that even after almost a month of absences, I could successfully continue to graduate with an exceling GPA due to doing an excessive amount of extra credit work, so I suppose my hard work paid off in the end.

"Morning, sweetheart." Lakyn's sleepy voice sounded from upstairs.

I smiled up at up him. "Morning, baby."

He grinned widely down at me, his eyes squinty from sleep, then he pushed off the railing and walked into the bathroom to have his morning shower. If only he were an early bird on school mornings like me, that way we could shower together every single morning, though I am sure that we would end up late.

Fifteen minutes passed and eventually Lakyn walked downstairs, pants on, button-up tucked into my bottoms then his emerald letterman jacket on. His feet were clad in his scruffy black converse and his hair was messily done up.

"Ready?" he asked as he grabbed the keys from the table.

I nodded, grabbing my handbag as we both exited the house, Marley sprinting out into the backyard to do her morning business.

Once reaching Lakyn's car, we slid in and turned the heat on, the temperature awfully chilly this time of the morning.

We began the short drive to school and I could not help but feel extremely nervous, I was practically shaking. Not to sound self-absorbed, but when you are at the top of the social hierarchy in school, you can miss and lose a lot just from missing school. When the school is not being led by someone, things change without purpose.

It is like a kingdom, without a ruler, it is lost. 

We pulled into the school parking lot, Lakyn parking in his usual reserved spot of which everyone whom favors their life will stay away from. It made me miss my G-Wagon. My spot was taken which surprised me, it was now occupied by a sleek black Range Rover.

"You okay?" Lakyn asked, bringing me back to planet earth.

I hesitantly nodded, turning to face him. "Yes, just nervous." I answered truthfully.

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