[03] Daddy Issues

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THIS MORNING WAS just like every single other morning. It was repetitive, dull and bland.

I woke up to my dad coming in wearing his neat suit. He made sure I was awake, informing me that he is—like always—off to work and that Milles and his father will be coming over for dinner.

I put the same hideous uniform on, I did my hair the same way and I wore the same headband, the same Dior mascara and Elaine offered me the same breakfast; she prepared it herself this time too, it also contained chicken, that was the only difference this morning.

I got in my car, picking at the salad when I'd come to a red light. Then I arrived at school, threw the last half of the salad away and sat down with Miles, Blaire and Lakyn. Surprisingly (fortunately) Eden wasn't there either, but I wasn't complaining.

I could make a list of the reasons I hate that girl, and I've only known her one day.

I think Lakyn has competition, because he isn't my worst enemy anyone. He's one of two.

We were all seated out the front of the school building, on a bench which surrounded a square of grass and plant life. I sat in between Miles and Blaire, whilst Lakyn stood in front of us, tapping his foot as he scrolled through his phone, paying absolutely zero attention to what any of us were saying.

"I'm tired." I complained.

Like most nights, I stayed up studying because I am easily distracted and it takes me longer than usual to do most things that the average person would most likely find rather simple.

Yesterday—the first day of school—my English teacher gave us homework, which consisted of reading Wuthering Heights and taking notes for a future report on the story.

I managed to knock the entire thing out, which is what my dad would have wanted. I even managed to finish the report, so I can hand it in to Mrs Thorpe and ask if she has any other work I can do for extra credit, I'll have to make sure I remember to speak with her before or after class.

Miles swung his arm around my shoulders, tugging me into his side, "Why not?"

I rolled my eyes, "Just homework and stuff."

"Aww, is Princess Lila sad because daddy wants her to study instead of spreading her legs?" Lakyn smirked, slowly looking up from his phone, his ice-cold orbs connecting with mine.

I clenched my jaw. 

He always knows exactly what to say to irritate me. I wish he didn't exist, so that I didn't have to deal with him. 

I glared at him, "Aww, is lonely Lakyn sad that I actually have a dad?"

His smirk disappeared in an instant. I knew the mention of his dad would have struck a nerve. Harsh, I know but he doesn't hold back with the insults when it comes to me, I'm all for a fair game.

It's not nice by any means, but when am I ever nice? Literally never. 

I don't know much about Lakyn other than the obvious; he's excellent at lacrosse, his only friend is  Miles, he doesn't like people and he can't bear to be nice to anyone, especially me. He's unrealistically attractive, his genes are great and he's a grade A douche.

I only know about his dad leaving because he lives across the lake and when something in Dayton Lakes happens, it unintentionally becomes every member of the populations business.

Lakyn was only in his second to last year of elementary school when his dad left, I heard that his mom cheated, I also heard that his dad was a drug-addict and was sent away, but those are all rumors, who knows whether they're false or not.

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