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so here's a little introduction/taster of the fanfic i want to start (i wrote this a while ago too). i have no idea where this is going to go but umm yehhh i have a few ideas. idk i just enjoyed fetus 5sos times and watching them grow into what they are now so i am thinking of basing the fanfic on this. if you want to message me with your opinion on this lil passage here go for it dude. also pls enjoy?¿?


"Hi we're 5 Seconds of Summer, we hope you're, uhh, having a good time here tonight...this song is called Out Of My Limit."

The small crowd of teenagers in the tiny club venue applauded and cheered. I sipped my drink and proceeded to whoop loudly, so much so that the people stood near me at the bar gave me judgemental looks. I didn't really mind - I was just there for the free food and my best friends' band.

They smashed out a set, consisting of a mere 5 songs, then leapt off the stage (which was practically a soap box it was that small) and walked into the now dispersed crowd. I jogged up to them and hugged them all in turn.

"You're all sweaty," I grimaced.
"But you love it," Michael winked, running a hand through his long, blonde fringe. I narrowed my eyes and punched him in the arm, before we all walked over to where they'd left their instrument cases. Ashton stood there awkwardly while Calum put his bass away and Luke and Michael put their guitars back in their cases. Ashton only brought his drumsticks as the club lent him a set of drums so he didn't have to lug his all the way there.

We thanked the club owners and party organisers for having us and walked to Calum's house. Being a local, and pretty much unpopular, band was gritty and hard, but these guys didn't seem to mind. They were happy with playing small gigs for a while, I guess.


"Yes please!"
Calum handed me a can and I snapped it open, taking a quick swig.

As it was only about 9pm on a Saturday night, we decided to hold a house party after the band had played their gig. We are renowned for holding shindigs every now and again. This time, it was at Calum's house and he had kicked his parents and older sister out. It was prime time to get a little tipsy.

Our friends came piling in, most of them bringing "plus one's" to file up the numbers. Each of them brought either a few cans of beer or a pack of alcopops, sometimes even a bottle of vodka (if they weren't being tight with their money for once).

The party was also rather over-run by boys. I didn't particularly mind as I'd grown up with three older brothers and hung out with lads for practically my whole life. Slaggy, no - boyish, maybe. I guess it was an advantage as I knew how boys worked, if you know what I mean. I just kind of got on better with boys than girls, to make things simpler.


The party was in full swing by midnight. Me and Luke, being responsible for Cal, Ash and Mikey, were sat on the sofa chatting about how idiotic our friends were when they were drunk. You could say we were the father and mother of the group. The sensible-ish ones. Luke was more shy than me though.

Just then, Michael came stumbling over towards us, slurring, "I think we played a rockin' show tonight...lets parrrrrttttyyyyy!" He threw some horns at us and then disappeared. Probably to get yet another drink. You see, he thinks he's rock 'n' roll when really he's a massive nerd.

Ashton, on the other hand, was dancing (well, more like moving like a slug on LSD) on a table with a few other people. The song that was currently playing was Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg. I personally adored the song as it was very deeply touching. Ashton seemed to, also, as he was singing along whilst flailing his lanky arms in the air.

Then we move onto Calum. He was situated in the corner of the room, making out with some random girl who actually looked pretty hot from behind. Mr Hood was the flirty member of the band. This girl had most likely latched herself onto him, though, as Calum wasn't the player type. Plus, he was rather drunk.

Moving on now. It was great to be friends with 4 lads who had completely different personalities to each other. I think it was great to be friends with boys in general, some of the benefits being:
1. Boy advice
2. No fallings out or bitch fights (unless someone ate the last of the cereal)
3. Feeling comfortable around them...usually...
4. Playing video games together 80% of the time

The biggest benefit was the fact that they were a band. They let me go along to all of their gigs to watch and sell a few wristbands and posters to their small fanbase. Sometimes I helped with setting up and stuff. It was nice, to say the least. I could definitely get used to this life. Being a roadie/merch girl suited me well.

Roadie // 5 Seconds of Summer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now