Chapter 2

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It was Monday morning. That time where all school kids were dragged out of bed at an ungodly hour and forced to go to a hell-hole that goes by the name of 'school'. Not us, though. Cal, Michael, Luke and I were drop-outs, much to our parents' dismay. This didn't apply to Ash because he's a couple of years older than the rest of us. Yeah he graduated. Punk rock as fuck.

Luke's mum felt the worst about Luke dropping out. As Liz was a teacher, she wanted him to do really well with school (which he probably would have if he'd have carried on). He was academically talented but just felt more passionate about music.

The rest of us, on the other hand, weren't really great at the whole school thing whatsoever. One of the teachers at our old school used to call us 'no-hopers'. Calum was actually rad at football but Michael and myself were quite lame to be honest. Especially me, as I have no talent whatsoever - at least they were competent musicians, along with Ash.


"Daisy? Dais?! C'mon, wake up!!!!!!" Cal was hovering over my face and slapping it every few seconds but I was too tired to care. It was probably nothing important. I was submersed in what felt like millions of soft blankets and didn't particularly want to react with humans right then.

That was when Mike came over as well and started shaking my shoulders and whisper-shouting my name.
I finally gave in and rose from my blanket igloo rigidly, "What the fuck do you guys want?!"
"Come read this email, oh my god." Michael gushed.
"Jeez is it one of those chain mail things again? It better fucking not be. I don't want a crazy little dead girl coming and stabbing me in the night again..." I couldn't sound more sarcastic.

I seated myself on Michaels desk chair, squinting at his laptop screen. Even thought it was morning, Michael the hibernating human still had his bedroom curtains shut and his laptop brightness on 100%. Fucking idiot.

The lads and I were now all crowded around the laptop, however they were really watching me read this flaming email that seemed so stupidly important to them.

Don't freak out but I was contacted by the management of One Direction early this morning on behalf of Louis from the band. They said that he'd been watching your YouTube cover videos recently and...wait for it...they're interested in you guys...and they want you to be one of their support acts for their UK arena tour which begins in a few months time.

Yep. You read it right. 1D want you to tour. With them. In the UK. In three months time. What do you say? Yes or no?
- Alex"

Was this a fucking joke? Alex was their manager-sorta-dude-guy. He was an insanely immature 24 year old who the boys had met at a gig they played in a local venue. But, when things had to get done, he was the most serious person in the room. This time, though, I honestly thought he was fooling around sending this email. I mean, the 1D dudes seemed cool but I personally couldn't see 5SOS wanting to tour with such a big pop band. They'd only played gigs to about 12 people in a bar, let alone 500+ people in an arena. IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY!

I was left kinda speechless.
Luke nudged me, insistent, "So what do you think? Should we?"
Gulping, I looked up at him. "What've you got to lose?"


We'd all been sat wide-eyed for the past 2 hours, watching re-runs of Spongebob Squarepants. Nobody knew what to say or do. Nobody had informed their parents on the matter. We were just completely phased out.

"Guys I think you need a band discussion. You can't just sit here for the rest of the day contemplating life. You need a huge meeting. Get your parents round, and most importantly, get Alex round. Don't let this opportunity slip. This could be your big break."

Everything seemed to click into place. They all dug out their phones and began to invite their families round for an important meeting. I felt like a motivational speaker or something...and this didn't even concern me!


It was around 7pm that night and everyone's mums and dads, Alex and I were at Michael's house, sat and stood around a large dining table. Alex explained the email to everyone and it grew rather silent. Ashton's mum began to smile after the news had broke, "I think you should go for it, boys."

And at that moment, everyone else began to smile too. It was like some kind of movie. The lads looked at each other awkwardly before slowly nodding. Fuck, they couldn't be any more enthusiastic about it!

I guess it was agreed. They wanted to go on tour with the biggest boyband in the world. No questions asked, surprisingly. Alex began rapidly typing a reply to 1D's management.


I made my own way home after the 'meeting' and was worriedly thinking to myself. I'd basically be losing my four best friends for months because of this tour. Yes I wanted them to succeed and shit but I literally had no other friends in this town. All I had was my mother. I didn't even have a father because he pissed off to England years ago when he and mum split up. I knew I was being so selfish, but life would fucking suck from now on. Cool.

I sighed, shoving my hands deep in the pockets of my hoodie. I was so overwhelmed by everything that happened today, that I began to get really upset, so much so that tears flooded into my eyes. This never happens. My friends are usually always here to cheer me up when I'm sad, but they're too busy celebrating and I wouldn't want to be a burden.

As soon as I got home, I made myself a glass of cold water and hurried up to my bedroom. I perched on my windowsill and gazed out at the black night. There were a few stars out that I could see, maybe about four or five. I watched a couple of neighbourhood cats traipse about everyone's front gardens for a while. What was my life coming to already?

I pursed my lips tightly and tapped on my glass of water, trying not to burst out into tears again. My messy blonde hair fell down in front of my face. It disguised my puffy eyes which was helpful. How was it possible for someone's life to completely change within a few minutes?

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