Chapter 1

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My eyes flickered open to the sight of Calum Hood passed out on the floor with a cup stuck to his face. Attractive. I instantly took a picture because it would definitely come in use for blackmail soon.

I was thankfully in a reserved position on the sofa and didn't seem to have any dicks drawn on my face which, in my opinion, was a good start to the morning after the party. Even though I barely drank last night, I was still susceptible to many a prank.

I decided that it was time to get myself up and search for the other boys. Calum would be woken up last so I can laugh at him again but with Luke, Mike and Ash this time. Very harsh indeed.

Making sure I didn't trample any of the remaining party guests, I made my way out of the room and into the kitchen, to find everyone I actually recognised.

"Daisyyyyy!" Michael chimed, walking up to me slowly before lazily slinging his arms around my neck for a quick cuddle. He most definitely resembles a sloth sometimes. A very cute sloth.

"Are you guys hungover?" I pointed at Ash and Mikey, pulling away from the sleepy hug. They both nodded admittedly and Ash rubbed his eyes in apparent pain. Luke was smirking and sipping on a hot cup of tea in the corner. Bless him. I bet he tucked himself up in bed and had a great night's sleep after everyone else passed out in obscure areas of the house.


We all managed to kick the leftover guests out of the house, they all said goodbye in a very distressed, zombie-like way. It's so obvious from their droopy eyes and smudged makeup (or penises drawn on their cheek in black marker) that they had a great time last night. Throughout this lengthy action of getting people to leave, Calum surprisingly remained in his sleeping state on his living room carpet. And he was snoring. And the cup remained attached to his face. Degrading much?

"I have an idea to wake him up guys...bare with me one second..." Ash whispered cunningly, making a run for the stairs. We all stared blankly at the passed out dude on the floor before Ashton appeared with a giant megaphone and an evil grin plastered on his face. God, we are such great friends.

Everyone crowded around Comatose Calum in anticipation of his reaction to the alarming sound which was quickly created by Ashton shouting in the poor lad's ear: "CALUM THOMAS HOOD. THIS IS THE LAMEST YOU HAVE LOOKED IN A LONG WHILE. Loving the plastic cup accessory though. GET THE HELL UP AND HELP US CLEAN YOUR HOUSE."

Cal flinched at every word, even during the sentence expressed in a quieter manner. It was even painful for the sober, as Luke and I were even covering our ears.

Calum just giggled and got up. "Fuck you Ashton."


Cleaning up took us just under two hours. Mainly because we all kept arguing over who was going to clean up the pile of sick in the bathroom. In the end, I was nominated, because I'm "always up for gross shit" apparently (I'm fucking not!!!)

We were now all sprawled on the grass in Cal's garden eating leftover snacks. It was a pretty decent day outside. Well, we were at the beginning of summer in Sydney, and the weather was always rad at this time of year.

My phone began to buzz just as I was in deep conversation with Ash about the possibility of aliens existing. It was my friend Matt, who I'd recently been dating casually. Yeah, 'casual dating' was a pretty mature thing for a normal 17 year old to carry out. But at least I didn't slag around like the majority of teens in this town seem to do. 

Ash raised his eyebrows at me as I answered the call. The other boys grew silent.

"Yo?" it wasn't normal for Matt to be calling at this time. He was usually out skating with the inane people who he calls friends. Or working.

"Oh hey Dais, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some tacos tonight? I haven't seen you in a couple of days."

"Sounds cool, see you at 6?"

"Sure thing honey, I'll pick you up at quarter to, see ya later."

I hung up, ready for the backlash from Luke, Cal, Mike and Ash. Yeah they fucking hated Matt. Always took the piss out of him for being a typical skater dude. Thought he was an asshole. They were definitely being overprotective.

Instead of them whining at me for the next hour, I left Calum's to go back home. I had to let my mum and dad know that i was alive still. And I needed to ready myself for the swanky taco date later.


Time flew by and I was ready and waiting for Matt to roll up in his rusty old truck. It was now 10 to 6, and therefore he was 5 minutes late. I honestly didn't care about this as we were only getting tacos. It wasn't like some fucking fancy-ass restaurant we had a reservation for.

"Maybe I should ring him and see where he is?" I thought as I peered out my window. Sighing, I dialled his number and waited. No answer. Of course.

6:03 and still nothing. Fuck it. Fuck him. Fuck tacos. Actually, don't fuck tacos.

I rang up Luke to see what he was doing for the night, knowing he would give me a bit of company.

"We're all at Michael's playing Fifa." was the reply. Better than waiting here by myself like a bloody stuffed duck


I let myself into Michael's humble abode, the smell of pizza hitting my nostrils as soon as I shut the door behind me. At that moment, I thanked Jesus for the fact that my best friends all lived in short walking distance. They were always willing to have me round (as were their parents, who I all got along with rather swimmingly).

Hearing a profuse amount of cursing, I made my way to the festering teenage boy cave that was Mike's bedroom. All of the boys (minus Ash) were sat in complete darkness, eyes affixed to a excruciatingly bright screen. Their eager fingers mashed their controllers and when I advanced further into the room, nobody took notice. Except Ashton, who was sat in the corner of the room looking bored as hell on his phone. Thank fuck he didn't appreciate Fifa as much as the others because otherwise I would be bored as heck when I hung out with them.

"Can we not order pizza already? Daisy is here...if you don't already know..." Ashton called out, only to be ignored. He sighed and turned to me, "Are you alright?"

"Not really."

"I kinda guessed so. Did Matt stand you up?"


"Fuck. That dude is rude. C'mere."

Ash stretched his arm out and hugged my sideways, resting his head on mine. We agreed that boys are mean and that we should now order a huge pizza to cheer me up.


"You know what? Fuck that guy!" Michael said, with a mouthful of a pepperoni slice.

I giggled and took a bite out of my meat feast. Men sucked, according to four men. It baffled me that they admitted to the fact their kind are very, very stupid.

Their way of cheering me up was amusing too. We blasted out classic songs such as Stacy's Mom, whilst showing our insane head-banging and air guitar skills. I was made to battle like a Pokémon against Michael while Luke commentated and Cal and Ash cheered us on. We stuffed our faces with copious amounts of crappy food. It was fucking fun and it fucking made me feel a whole lot better.

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