Chapter 4

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Today was the day. It still hadn't sunk in. The boys and I were so nervous but we knew it was going to be so good.

Luke, Calum, Michael and I had only just dropped out of school, much to our parents' dismay. Luke's mum, Liz, was especially shocked as she wanted him to carry on with his studies. He was really intelligent, unlike myself and the other two (according to almost all of our teachers). And Ash, well, he actually graduated a couple of years ago, and since then had been fired from numerous jobs. Poor dude.

Everything was looking up, though. 4 normal lads from Sydney had been noticed by one of the biggest boybands on the planet. And 1 no-hoper girl was joining them. You could say we were like a team of superheroes ready to conquer the world...but that would be a tad too dramatic.

Anyway, I was travelling to Sydney Airport with Calum's family and my mother. You could tell everyone was worrying because nobody spoke at all through the journey. I think it was more heartbreaking for our parents to let us go to a whole different country for god knows how many months. My mum would be kinda lonely as I have no other siblings. I promised her I'd contact her at least once a day so we'd keep in touch, as I'd miss her loads.

As we approached the airport, my heart pounded faster in my chest. I guess mum saw the horror in my face as she clutched my hand tightly and smiled. She knew that this opportunity would be good for me and I loved her for supporting me.


Once we had all arrived at the airport, we had to say goodbye to our families. I think pretty much everybody cried. Most of us had never been away from our family for a long period of time before.

The five of us then walked into check-in, our huge suitcases slowing us down massively. We managed get through the whole airport shabang pretty quickly without getting caught out for something stupid like wearing a metal belt. I wouldn't put it past me if one of the boys went through the scanner sporting a metal item. They are quite dim sometimes. Cute, but sometimes lacking a bit of common sense.


After snacking on a copious amount of food and napping at any opportunity, it was time for our flight. We boarded the plane, apprehensively but surely (if that's actually possible), and found our seats with ease. I chose to sit in the middle of Mike and Ash and Luke were somewhere near us on a two-seater.

When the plane was getting ready for takeoff, I noticed that Michael was wiping his eyes. I didn't think he'd ever been on a plane before, but I'm pretty sure he could hack it. He's a tough dude. Maybe he was worried about missing his family?

"Mikey?" I lightly rubbed his arm and tried to meet his eyes. His now puffy eyes slowly reached mine as he cuddled up to me.
"I'm already fucking getting homesick and we're still in Sydney!" he laughed softly.


I slowly opened my eyes to find that I was leaning on Ashton's shoulder. Apparently my body doesn't understand what personal space is. He was snoring away himself, however, so he mustn't have cared much. And he'd wrapped his hoodie around me which was sweet of him. Ash definitely cared a lot for the boys and I.

We were currently 3/4 of our way through our second flight to London and we were definitely bored of the dreary aeroplane sound and looking at the backs of our eyelids (aka sleeping). Pretty much everyone else on the plane was asleep, apart from me and Luke. I tried waving at him, but he was obviously completely oblivious.

Turning back around in my seat, I sought for an idea to get Luke's attention without getting up from my seat or waking up the hundreds of sleeping passengers. Hang on. Aeroplane magazines. Yes. I quickly crafted a paper aeroplane (how ironic) and, without hesitation, aimed it at Luke.

It shot through the air at a surprising speed. I felt like a proud mother watching it go. It was such an emotional moment. Then it nutted Luke right on the forehead. Bingo.

He looked around, all innocent and confused. I was just pissing myself laughing.
"Daisy!!!!" He whisper shouted. Fuckkkkk.
I peered over my seat at him, smiling innocently.
"I'm trying to watch Spongebob here!"
I literally couldn't stop laughing at how annoyed he looked. Oh how satisfying it is to irritate him!!


"I'm still not over the paper aeroplane incident." Luke poked my arm with force, trying to sound serious about the situation.
I laughed once again, flashing him a toothy smile, then glanced back to the baggage conveyor belt to see if my bright yellow suitcase had suddenly appeared from the depths of the aeroplane

The band and I had finally touched down in London. And we weren't fucking excited at all. Jetlag was KILLING us and we were all trying not to fall asleep on each other. It sucked ass.

What especially sucked ass is that we had to sit through a meeting with some management company. They briefly explained what the agenda of the trip was, promising to give us a more in-depth explanation of it all as it was oh so obvious that it was going in one ear and out the other. The good part about this was getting to hear where we were lodging for the night.

The man in the suit simply stated, "You'll be living in your own house for the next couple of months, here are the keys, and a taxi is waiting for you outside."
And that was that. I personally felt like I was in a movie. Everything was so organised and we didn't have to do any work!!


"Ok who's sleeping where?"
"I think we have a problem because there's only two proper beds..."
"Fuck's sake!"
"Right, I'm on the sofa downstairs as I'm the oldest."
"I'll go with Cal"
"Daisy, I guess you're with me then."

"Yeah?" I snapped out of what seemed a very long trance to find out I would be sharing a bed with Michael. There had to be some fucking downside to this house of ours. I didn't really mind too much because I just wanted some fucking sleep.

It was about 2am when we'd all settled in our shared single beds and sofas. And nobody gave a shit about how cramped and cold we were. This was band life. The very start of something cool.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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