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"Remember the signal and stay by my side the entire time." 

Cole whispers in my ear while helping me out of the car.

I nod, plastering a smile on my face. Just by the split second I've been out of the car I can see a pattern with the women and men that attend this party. The old nasty men have young beautiful women at their side. Some might be their wives and some might be their whores for the night. 

I walk through the large glass doors, arm in arm with Cole. Elijah is talking to some of the guards and members that came with us. 

I turn my head forward, smile at the people that pass us - smile and nod.

That's all the women are allowed to do here. I saw one lady, young blonde. She laughed a man's joke too hard. The male that arrived with her sent her a glare that could set light to a campfire. The fear that briefly came over her features before quickly replaced a bright smile, told me her life story better than a thousand words ever could.

It gets better, Doll, It gets better

I wanted to say that to her, pull her aside and comfort her with words of familiar sorrow. However, I know I can't. I know what I'm here for. I have a job, a mission to fulfill. Although I can't help but wonder if anyone could tell by my eyes. If while I was working one of my double shifts at the diner, if anyone could see the trauma I had to endure. 

I wonder if anyone thought the same thing - that they didn't have time. Then again, I have to ask if it would've mattered. Words are just words. The comfort may have felt good, but it wouldn't have helped anything. 

"Good evening, Mr. Ahern." The familiar velvety voice speaks from beside me causing me to snap my neck towards the interaction. 


That's an Irish name. This must be the man we kill tonight. The man's eyes trail up my body, stopping at the neckline of my dress.

"Who is this lovely young lady you have on your arm tonight?" He asks.

As I've seen many women tonight do, I offer the back of my hand to him. He kisses the back as a gentleman should, but something was off about his kiss. It was a simple universal gesture, but he made it seem slimy. I feel as though I need to wash my hands afterward. 

"This is my girlfriend," He gestures to me, slightly pulling me away from the man. "You may call her, Ms. Vargas," Mrs. Black sounds so much better.

"It was great meeting you, Ms. Vargas. I hope we meet again," His smile is more of a smirk, it makes the back of my throat feel vile. 

"Likewise, Mr. Ahern." His eyes lit up.

He's earned a bullet to the head

"I need to go to the bathroom," I state bluntly, unlocking my arm with Cole's. The heat his arm gave me, vanished. The want to be engulfed by both of his arms is strangely strong.

"By careful, Princesa,"

I'm gone before he can follow - I need to wash my hands.

It takes asking one of the men in black directions to find the bathroom. As soon as I lock the door, I turn the sink on. The wave of relief is immediate. 

I've never had a crush before, I've never felt the butterflies or the race of a heartbeat just by looking at someone. 

I've always wanted to feel that way, but now that I do. I wish I didn't. If I wasn't so deathly attracted to Cole, it would make my whole situation easier. I imagine his touch at night, while I lie next to him. 

I imagine how the words 'I love you' would sound from his lips. What if he really meant 'girlfriend' when he introduced me to people?

Most importantly, imagine how I would feel if he did that to another girl. My thoughts on that are lethal, the blood I crave for the next bitch to touch him is scary. 

I've changed, and I like it.

I've never thought of murder so common before, the laws no longer mattered. I'm on the other side of life now. I can't tell if it's invigorating or terrifying.

I dry my hands and open the door.

"Ms. Vargas, we need you to come with us." The Irish accent on the burly man is thick and telling.

The gun hidden in my dress was starting to make itself very aware to me.

"If you come quickly and silently, no one will get hurt." The second speaks up, same accent. 

I nod, walking in between the two men. One leading, the other behind.


I start my mental count down.


I guess we're starting earlier than scheduled.


I grab the gun from my bra and shoot the second man, aiming for his head but I shot his neck.

Eh it's okay, I'll have to work on that

I remove the train of my dress while the second guy turns around. Before he can pull the trigger of his gun, I wrap the fabric around his neck. Tugging.

I can feel the sweat squeeze out of my pores. I didn't think it would be this much work. The man just won't stop kicking. His hands prying at my wrist, bruises start to form. Yet I still tug one last time. 

The knowing crack is heard, and his body falls limp. 

I take a knife and more bullets from their clothing before rounding the corner. The bodyguard I asked directions from, body sat on the ground. Not moving. Funny, I thought he was one of them.

That's sad, he seemed really nice

I step over his body listening for any more signs of movement. Arriving on the main floor, people are still socializing as normal.

I need to find Cole and Elijah, I need to tell them that we have to start now. I tuck the weapons safely in my now shorter dress. Maybe people will just think I had a wardrobe change. 

I finally spot Cole, over by the bar.

Unfortunately, another man spots him too. I strut towards him, concealing my face from any signs of warning. The man is much faster than me, I only have a few options in a small amount of time. 

I pull out the knife, throwing it to the glasses stacked at the bar. It gently cuts a surface wound on Cole's arm.

Now that, I didn't mean to do.

I'll have to apologize to him later

He turns his head to the source of the knife, that's when I gesture to the man that started running even faster towards. The people around the scene start to scream and exit the building. 

Cole throws one of the broken glasses at the man's head, it impales him. Stopping him in his place.

Arms grab me from behind, pulling me towards the door. I reach up and twist the man's nose, I twist until I hear a satisfying crack. 

When he loosens his grip, I turn kicking him in the gut. Cole catches my eye as I pull the gun out of my dress.

He smiles, mouthing to me:

"You got it, Baby."

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