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A bullet enters his head, exiting through the back.

My adrenaline pumped. My vision going in and out of focus. Jumping from one body to another, everything going in slow motion.

I loved this feeling - I'm in control.

I quickly pull the gun out of a dead man's pocket and throw it to one of the guards trying to find one. My legs shake as I run through the marble halls. At the slight glance of Ahern's men, my heart jumps:




Cracking necks-

You name it, I was doing it.

From the red coating of my hands to the satisfying crack of a man's spinal cord. All of it embraced me. A feeling I wasn't used to.

I never thought I would become like this. I'd always believed that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. That the darkness surrounding my life would lift eventually. Only to find out if you want to get away from that darkness, you must join it.

You have to become what you fear most, then turn around and make it fear you.

It's the only way. Good people and bad people don't exist. Everyone gets tired of shit eventually. There's only people, people that are put into situations that they might have to act outside of their character. Then we pass judgment on them. There aren't bad people, we just call them bad.  

Would you ever kill for another person? Okay, better questions - would defend yourself against someone that was trying to kill you? You'd have to, right?

I bust through a pair of doors, inside were just the people we were looking for. Ahern was standing in front of a window that looks out over the scene of fighting down below. Something I didn't see when I was down there.

"I told you we would meet again," I smile, taking a seat in one of the chairs lined by a large oval table.

Ahern turns around, almost like he was expecting it.

The hidden guards come out of their places, into my line of vision. I expected that. I still don't know how I'm going to get out of this though. I've been kind of winging up until now. 

"You know," He starts. "You're a very pretty woman," He sits at the other side of the table.

"I know."

I catch a glance of Elijah through the window, but he can't see me. The window's one-sided.

"I would sell you, but I'm sure I could find a use for you," He licks his lips greedily, looking at my now exposed thighs due to the train being removed.

"I saw that move you did," He gestures to my bare leg, "With the train of your dress. It was very impressive,"

"Is there a reason you wanted to cross Cole at the warehouse or do you just break agreements for sport?" I raise a brow, stalling.

His face drops.

"The Black's have been at the top for decades. Unlawfully might I add-"

I interrupt him, "Isn't all of this unlawful?" You're all gang members.

"Don't. You. Ever. Interrupt. Me. Again." He seethes from across the table, "Your pretty little mouth could be used for so many other things,"

I roll my eyes.

"So you're jealous?" I inquire, "That's what I'm concluding from all this,"

The burning sensation that spreads across my cheek is not one I'm unfamiliar with. It comes from one of the guards close by.

"The next hit won't be so nice, Love," The thick Irish accent has always been there, but the sentence made it very prominent.

"Why don't you just shoot me then?"

"As I said before, Doll, you have potential," The gross smirk makes it's way back to his face.

The gun inside my dress was burning to be shot, and the space between his eyes was begging to be a target.

"So how do you expect this plan to go?" I hold my chin in my hands, "Out of curiosity."

His gestures towards me, before I even knew it, the guards lifted me up by my arms and took me to where he sat. The Irish man stands, looking out of the window.

"Well, once all of the men you came here with are dead. I will take you back to my personal home," His smug looks makes me want to punch him, "Then we'll have some fun."

I yank my arms out of the guard's tight hold before they grab me back, Ahern's gestures to stop.

"There's nowhere she can go." The chuckle emits from the back of his throat. Deep, but breathy. I take a step closer to him and the window, a plan forming. I won't have enough to finish it.

But unfinished plans are the best ones, right?

Ahern thinks nothing of this gesture, his ego making him think it's because I want to be close to him. I lean in closer to his ear, grabbing ahold of his suit jacket.

"A person with an ego never accepts the truth." My words are playful with dark intentions.

I whip the gun out of my bra. Shooting at the one-way window. As soon as it starts to shatter, I secure my grip on Mr. Ahern's jacket. Running full speed into the broken pieces of a put-together window.

I can feel the jagged edges pierce the surface of my skin. The drop looked shorter from where I stood above. Using the man's shock to maneuver his body below me, I get a cushioned fall.

But it still hurt like a bitch

The men that were on the floor ducked due to the glass fragments raining down overhead. I, myself, quickly got off the Ahern dragging him away from the gunshots that were flowing down from the room we jumped from. 

I catch Elijah's eye, leading him to grab Cole's attention.

The relief that floods Cole's face makes the pesky butterflies rise in my stomach. Elijah along with two other men, take Ahern's body from me.

"¿Estás bein, Mi Amor?" He whispers, eyes frantically looking around for wounds. He finds a gash right above my eyebrow from the fall.
(Are you alright, my love?)

My love

The two smalls words melt my heart.

 The loud cry from behind us makes me snap my head towards it; it's Ahern, getting his ass beat by my brother. It was a great feeling, not going to lie, but I had something I needed to do.

I take the gun from Cole's belt, cocking it then aiming.

X marks the spot

Right between his eyes


His body falls, eyes still open. I turn back to Cole, smile laced on my lips,

"Ahora yo soy."
(Now I am)

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