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The pretty blonde's face matches mine. She's just as shocked as I am.

"Where have you been? You haven't been to work in so long," She spits all at once, "Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here. I'm happy to see you," Her show-stopping smile shines across her face.

"Damn am I happy to see you," She embraces me into a warm hug.

"She's with us now. This is the girl you will be training," Cole's voice is cold. Not mean. Just nothing like he was before. Amber nods in response.

As soon as Amber walked into the whole room's energy shifted. I would experience this at the club, but it was more of a positive shift. When she entered this time, it was like everyone did an inaudible sigh. I have absolutely no clue why. I've always loved Amber, she's always been a person to be around. 

Amber takes me over to the treadmill in the corner. She says that I have to work on my endurance. I hate running - with a passion. It doesn't help that she keeps changing the speed and incline of the god awful machine.

Whoever created the treadmill is going to hell

My thighs ache, and my feet are begging me to stop. Trying to make the time go faster, I let my mind wander. This leads to my eyes looking around the large black and red room. They land almost immediately on the glimmering handsome devil punching a hanging bag, from across the room.

 His arms in constant motion, I can see the power flow from his fist to the poor bag. The beads of sweat caress every indent in his arm, every dimple in his back. Which was on full display.

All of God's favorite work for me to see

I can see the beautiful artworks that covered his skin. The shapes and designs of the tattoos calling me to them. Telling me to touch them, to embrace them, trail every single place the needle has left his skin in dark ink-

"What are you thinking about?" Amber asks. I despise her for a point of a second. She made my eyes leave the sinful piece of perfection that was in front of me.

"Nothing," Lie.

I was thinking a lot of things, nothing of which she needed to know.

"You can hop off of the treadmill, it's time to start sparing," She sings slightly. My mood matches her's because I can get off of this death machine.

"Have you ever been into a fight?" She continues with the inquiry as we reach the small boxing ring in the middle of the room.

"Something like that," I mumble trying to find out how to climb in between the ropes as well as she did.

"Well, it's like the same thing but I'm not trying to do any real damage. It's important to know that some of the jabs might hurt." 

She gets ready, one foot in front of the other. Very similar to the stance Cole taught me minutes before.

"Ready?" She starts.

"Whenever you are," 

There is a small thought that crosses my mind that I might beat her. It quickly vanishes as her eyes set to mine. As soon as the words leave my mouth we start.

She starts with a left jab, she's left-handed.

I never noticed at the club

I move back quickly coming back up with a right jab to the cheek. It wasn't hard, but I applied enough pressure to make it uncomfortable.

"Bitch," She lets out something between a snarl and a laugh, holding her cheek. "Okay, going easy time is over,"

"Give it to me," 

She gives a pretty good blow to my stomach. While crouching down she knees me in the nose. I grab hold of her knee, rolling us both to our backs. I take the opportunity to get on top of her. Revenge jab to her nose and then again to the left side of her jaw.

She bangs her hand on the ground, which I assume means time out so I hop up, helping her up as well.

"Dammit Cole, I thought you said she was new at this?" She grumbles while dusting herself off.

I turn to see Cole and a few other guys at the sides of the ring watching the whole ordeal. Cole gives me an approving smirk and a once over. His gaze setting my body on fire. I was trying to hide my smile. I didn't want Amber to think I was trying to rub it in. However, after looking at Cole I couldn't keep it hidden. 

"She is," Smirk never leaving his face, "How are you gonna let the new girl punk you like that?"

"Why don't you get into the ring with her, Black," She seethes, "Sense you have so much to add."

She storms out, to my surprise. I was honestly shocked. I've never known Amber to have such a short temper, let alone be so tickled over a joke. I can't even recall ever seeing Amber mad. 

"Is she always like this?" I ask as the door slams.

"What? Like a bipolar bitch?" A guy with jet black hair and grey eyes jokes.

"Like a recently divorced teacher?" Another guy adds, laughing. He has brown hair. Eye color, I'm not sure of.

I am sure, however, none of them were here like twenty minutes ago.

"Did I do something wrong?" Maybe I hit her too hard.

"No, Princesa," Cole speaks up, "You were perfect."

He enters the ring under the rope, coming up behind me.

"But let me show you something," He whispers in my ear. I know he felt the small shiver I did at his words. I also know he chose to ignore it. 

His hands slide to my thigh, moving into his chosen placement. His arm wraps around my waist. Mouth right next to my ear. 

I know the burning sensation his hands are giving me is just in my head, but that doesn't make me feel it any less.

"I have you in a hold," He starts, "Now try and get out of it, Amor."

My mind snaps out of the pure ecstasy I was feeling from his touch to realize what he was doing. He had me in a hold.

A damn good one at that

I push back.

He doesn't move

I try to head butt him.

He doesn't move

I try hitting his nose. I miss.

And he doesn't move

"Vamos, Gatita, puedes hacerlo." He encourages me.
(Come on, Kitten, you can do it)

I finally decided to use the little connection we have against him. I slide my hand down his forearm. Placing my other hand behind his head. Turning my head slightly, I try and get a glance of his lips.

If only we were in a different situation, I would reach up to have our lips meet. Nevertheless, right now there are too many people and I have a point to make. His body freezes long enough for me to sneak out of his grip and face.

"Well played, Hermosa, but next time it won't be that easy," He smiles.

A genuine smile

"Si insiste"
(If you insist)

The door burst open, breaking up the small moment we had.

"Sir," The man pants out of breath, "The woman has been secured,"

I furrow my brows in confusion, Cole turns towards me.

"It's time to put your training to test."

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