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My body doesn't ache

I can't tell if that's something to be proud of. On one hand, it's like I'm stronger than Amber, and nothing can physically hurt me. Then, on the other hand, I realize I've only created this tolerance from years of hell.

I slide out of the wooden chair. The cool cement floor felt incredible against my heated skin. I hadn't realized how much my wrist really burned from the ropes. I can't see the marks on my skin but I can feel the bumps the ropes left on my fingertips as I run them against my hands.

I have to get out of here

My mind starts racing again. Thinking about all the different scenarios that could play out. Mentally picking out the ones where I'd die and placing them into the maybe pile.

The knife

The knives

She didn't pick up either one, both are on the floor.

I immediately start crawling, hands search wildly across the cold floor. The faster my adrenaline pumps the faster I can feel myself start to get irritated at the pitch-black room. The room was so dark I couldn't even see my hands in front of me. 

Finally, my hand comes in contact with something besides the floor, something metal. I pick up the rather large blade. It's not the sharpest tool in that handy box but it'll get the job done. I still have to find the other one, nevertheless, I know it's close to the wall. I tap the knife I already had against the floor, to hear when I was getting close to an edge.

Where the hell could it be?

I know this cell isn't that big. I know my mind is making my patience thin. I'm just scared, it's almost as if I could sense footsteps outside of the door. 

She wouldn't come back that fast would she? 

I search faster, stopping the tapping of my knife altogether. It's here. I know it is, but where? My ears perk at the real noise that comes from behind the door. I halt my searching, trying to pay attention to the noise.

"Yeah, just stand watch. I won't take long." It's a male voice.

I fake a sleeping position on the floor.  All my practice as a kid has led me to this moment. When the door cracks I shift my left hand, making sure that the knife was secure. If my fake sleeping doesn't get me caught the rapid beating of my heart will.

"I saw you when they brought you in," The unknown man closes the door. I can feel light on my eyelids, "I knew you were just too pretty to sell."

As he walks closer, I start to open my eyes.

He crouches over me, taking my face into his hands, "Poor girl looks like you've already taken quite a few hits already."

He straightens up and a smirk makes it's way to his lips. His hands move to his belt, taking it off quickly.

"Don't worry baby girl, this one will make you feel good."

As he bends down, I reach my hand to his mouth. Pulling him down onto me. I turn us over so that I'm on top. That's when I sink my knife into his throat.

I aimed for the vocal cords, trying to cut them so he wouldn't scream. I don't think I hit them. It's ended up being okay because the blood blocked any sound he was able to make. 

I quickly look around, with the light on I can see the shiny object reflect against the wall to my left. I had been going towards the wrong wall to find the knife. I pick it up, placing a knife in each hand.

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