You Don't Have To Wear Your Best Fake Smile.

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Summary: Hope is over stressed at having to live up to everyone's expectations, but Josie seems to know exactly what to do to help her with this problem.


Basically the same structure of 'Cause I Hate To See Your Heart Break' but in a different setting. I wanted Hope to reach out to Josie again and this was the best I could come up with. Honestly, I think it turned out pretty good. (But it took me nearly 2 weeks to write this, trying to write a bondage sex scene without being too descriptive and making it sound soft was really hard.) So I really hope you guys appreciate it.

Enjoy =D

Obs; English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.

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 Today was being an exhaustive day for Hope, ever since she activated her vampire side, she was being constantly watched, like she was going to lose it at any time and just release havock upon the world. 

Sure, she was having trouble at controlling her emotions, and therefore her powers. But she was doing everything she could to remain in control, and it wasn't an easy task, but apparently, the majority of the people at school didn't seem to care about that.

 She tried to play it cool and pretend that the lack of trust didn't hurt her, but it did. She just wouldn't let anyone know that, besides Josie.

 That's who she needed right now. Her soulmate, the only person who truly understood her, and knew how to take care of her, she needed the safety of her arms right now.

 But she has to finish this recruiting mission with Alaric first though, it was all going smoothly, until some vampires got in their way, demanding the girl they had recruited, back, saying she was theirs.

 They turned an innocent girl to do their dirty work for them, and obviously that was causing trouble at Mystic Falls, Matt called Alaric to deal with the situation, and he, like usual, dragged Hope along, like he couldn't let her out of his sight. And like always, it was left for her to properly deal with the matter.

 There was a quick fight before Hope compelled the vampires to forget the girl, and leave town. Honestly, she was getting tired of these missions, she wasn't in the right state of mind for that. But Alaric didn't seem to notice, so she just put on her brave face, and went along with it, just to get it done already, and finally be able to rest in her girlfriend's embrace.

 When they got back to the school and finished giving Lilian (The new girl) the speech of the purpose of the school and all that jazz, Hope was saying her goodbyes when there was a knock on the door and Jed entered the room saying that the wolfs were causing trouble and that Rafael wasn't helping the situation since he was the one who started the whole commotion.

And surprisingly enough, Alaric once again sent Hope to deal with that, since he was busy at the moment. That got Jed satisfied because he was hoping to be that way, he secretly wanted Hope to be the Alpha instead of Rafael, who was too unstable, selfish, and far too new at the supernatural world, to be leading a pack.

 Hope was born an Alpha, 'THE' Alpha. But she didn't want to be. She never did. That's why Keelin was the current alpha of the Crescent pack. Her mom was an amazing leader, but she wasn't her. She didn't want that kind of responsibility. Not after everything and everyone she's lost.

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