If You Cross Her, Then You Cross Me.

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Summary: Hope and Josie are experiencing some changes in their soulmate bond, but Sebastian, the 'new' vampire won't leave them alone.


So, first things first. I haven't watched S02 yet, Sebastian is in here only because I needed a new character to be the asshole, and the little that I knew about him, made him perfect.
Enjoy =D

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It was nearly the end of the school year, finals tests have already been taken, and most of the students had gone back home to their families, except for a few who had no place to go back to.

Landon, Rafael, MG, Kaleb, Lilian, and a few new students, among them, unfortunately, Sebastian, were a few of the students who stayed at school.

Hope and Josie soon came to dislike the 'new' vampire, he was from another time, had been desiccated a long time ago, and now he was alive again and was soon brought to the school.

Apparently, at the time he was turned, it was normal for him to seduce and compel girls to sleep with him, and he wasn't used to get a no for an answer.

Since he arrived he had tried to court pretty much every girl he could lay his eyes on.

Soon he laid his eyes on Hope and Josie walking around the school hand in hand and decided that he wanted one of them.

After many and many failed attempts, the two girls were already pissed at the guy, it seemed like he didn't understand the meaning of a relationship, and was completely ignorant of the existence of soulmates.

This type of guy couldn't have arrived at a worse time.

It had been a few months since Hope and Josie turned into vampires, but it was only 2 weeks ago that they discovered that their soulbond was changing.

It turned out that the girls were destined to something much greater than the normal soulmate bond, their bond had grown much more powerful.

They were supposed to be together forever, but despite Josie being a heretic, she could still die like a normal vampire, but Hope, being a tribrid, was really immortal.

So nature did its thing, and for the first time, it didn't try to kill any of them, on the contrary, it turned them equals, made them share their unique abilities.

Hope was suddenly able to siphon magic, while Josie was slowly gaining all of Hope's powers as well.

The first thing that changed was that Josie was now, as immortal as Hope, not that they had noticed this change at first. It was only when the others, more noticeable, traits appeared that they realized what was happening.

Josie was slowly gaining more enhanced vampire powers, she was stronger than most vampires at the school and faster, but still, she was no match to her tribrid girlfriend, and she still couldn't compel other vampires like her, but they figured it was only a matter of time until that happened, and pretty soon Josie was gonna be a new Original vampire, just like Hope.

But turning into an original meant that her emotions were about to heighten again.

And that happened on the full moon, where they understood for sure the dimension of their new bond.

Josie began to turn into a wolf.

At the first sounds of her bones breaking, Hope took her, at super speed, to the woods, and the look of fear and pain in Josie's face, broke Hope's heart, but she did her absolute best to soothe her, and guide her through her first transition, just like her father did to her.

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