The Birth of Mjolnir

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This is a strange place, the spiralling and fluidity of the Dwarven caverns was as confusing to navigate as the open waters, the tunnels intersected each other at random, directionless and numbing. I was well and truly lost, not only did I need to find more Dwarves to have some fun with, but I needed to escape this disorienting hell of a realm. I passed hall after room after chamber and not very many of them in sight, I heard the odd clink of metal and roar of a faint voice but it was almost as desolate as the open waters too. What seemed as hours went by and I found myself walking at an uncomfortable pace in a desperate attempt to find a tunnel to the surface, I gave up on the idea of finding more Dwarves altogether, it was too dangerous and I had a sneaking suspicion the natives had created their home like this in order to confuse and isolate it's visitors. I needed out.

I kept on walking, I say walking, I must have been jogging by now and I eventually felt a plume of cold air hit my face, the sweet breeze tingled my senses and excited me at the thought of freedom. I ran towards the scent and as I was running I ran past a rather small room with two figures inside it. Hmm. I stopped, I retraced my steps backwards and almost comically peered inside. Just my luck, two Dwarves crafting with metal, now is as much a chance as i'll ever get.

'Go inside and make the bet'

I agreed with the being inside me, but first I wanted to watch them at work. I see them, they looked similar, but most Dwarves did, they had thick night black hair that wired out making them look like they hadn't washed for weeks, small eyes that lay flat with the rest of their face gave them more of a youthful vigour but still retained that strong, thick masculine feel. Noses that were slimmer than most Dwarves gave them a sharp look, they wore similar clothing too, worked in a similar manner and grunted so effortlessly. I think this pair will do.

'Evening Dwarves', I announced before entering the room, giving them warning that someone was there and me room to not get jabbed by a startled Dwarf holding a hot poker. They both stopped their hammering and turned around, after it seemed safe for me to enter the chamber, I did. Hands open to show I wasn't carrying a weapon and a big toothy smile.

'What in seven realms does a tall guy like you want 'ere?'

'To talk' I approach and look around the chamber, I see some marvellous pieces of work, I can tell these Dwarves are talented.

'Talk about wha?'

'Your fine craftsmanship'

'Fine, you say, you need to get your eyes checked mate'

'I can see just about fine' I pick up and admire some of their work, the glinting of the smooth golden goblets please me.

'Well you've been misinformed, if you want fine then you need to go to those Ivaldi brothers a few tunnels down, now out with ya!' He turned around and started hammering on the white hot glob of metal behind him. I turn and look at the other one, he didn't say a word but instead switched his glance to his friend and started to do as he was doing.

'Before I go, I must take your names'

They both stop hammering and turn around again. 'Why would you want our names for?'

'So I might find you again one day, I know children who would like these types of crafts'

I must have peaked his interest, he gave off a little smirk and knew I wasn't going to leave until I had their names.

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