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“I’ll be back in 10 minutes.” 

“Don’t get distracted and forget me.” Brown eyes shot him a look. 

“What could I possibly get distracted by at a gas station!?” 

Andddd another look.

“Boys? Beyonce’? Sparkly things? Lights? Squirrels? Bananas? Coffee...”

“Ok, ok. I won’t get distracted. I’ll be back in 10 minutes. Promise.”

It took him a moment but the brunette finally got out of the car and headed away from him, shooting him a sweet smile over his shoulder right before disappearing into the building.

He laughed to himself, turning up the radio and heading down the street to the gas station. He hummed out loud to himself while he pumped gas, watching the people around him. Once he was done he cleaned out his car a bit, knowing he needed to waste a bit of time. When that was done he went inside, grabbing both he and Mitch a redbull and a bottle of water before heading back to his car.

He’d just opened his car door when he got distracted by the line of cops flying past, lights and sirens blaring. He stood just watching for a bit, wondering what in the world could warrant so many officers. Then he heard an ambulance nearby. 

He checked his watch and realized that he had done exactly what he had promised not to. Well, at least he would probably only be a minute or so late. 

He headed back to the side street he’d promised to meet Mitch on. He pulled up, knowing it was much easier to get in and out of than the main street, but realized he couldn’t get there. It was blocked off.

What the hell? I was just here!

He went over to the next block and parked on another side street. He sent off a quick text to Mitch before getting out and heading to his meeting point on foot.

He hadn’t gone far, had just turned the corner when he realized exactly what was happening. He’d discovered where the cops had been headed and his heart stopped in his chest as he broke out into a run.


Why is being an adult so much work. UGH! 

He’d thought maybe if he came earlier in the day and in the middle of the week that it wouldn’t be so busy, but he’d quickly discovered that banks, especially banks in LA, were just busy places and you’d just have to get used to queueing. He sighed quietly, hoping he wouldn’t take too much longer than the 10 minutes he and Scott had planned. He was already STARVING and there was a burrito bowl at Chipotle with his name on it. He should have rescheduled his financial venture after food, then maybe he wouldn't be so impatient. At least, so far, the line had gone quite smoothly. It shouldn’t take too long to make his deposit once he got up there… y’know once he FINALLY got up there. He looked around, thoughts wandering... 

Then it all went to hell. 

Your gut instinct when you hear a loud bang is to either look or duck. He turned towards the noise, not having enough time to really process before he realized what was happening. 


People began to drop to the floor and he quickly joined them, heart beginning to race. He closed his eyes as two more gunshots echoed through the vaulted ceiling.

“Everyone listen up!!! Phones, handbags, jewelry everything in the bag!!!! If I catch you with a phone, then I’ll catch you with a bullet, understand!??”

He quickly pulled his phone from his back pocket, wishing he could send off one last text, one last message, but he tossed the phone into the giant sack that came by. He didn’t dare look up, didn’t want to be that person that accidentally saw their faces. 

You see them… you die.

Not that he had much hope for survival anyway, he’d seen too many crime shows and movies for optimism.

He heard sirens in the background, guessing a panic button had been hit. He pressed his eyes closed as three more shots rang out, then more yelling. He knew that once police were involved his chances of survival had just plummeted. There was no chance of them just taking what they wanted and leaving. Nope, now he was a hostage and we all know how well those stories end.

Just blend in, don’t stand out, don’t draw attention. Listen, don’t look.


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