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It was almost strange being out in the open without Scott by his side, holding his hand, hovering. 

Avi and Kevin were still constantly aware of him as they all walked, but it wasn’t that overwhelming feeling of being shadowed like he always felt with Scott. It was almost a relief.  

He instantly felt guilty for even thinking that way. He knew why Scott was the way he was, and he would do anything to help him.  He knew that Scott was going crazy right then. It was hard to deal with that, to know he was causing him pain just by going to Starbucks, but they couldn’t continue on like this. He just needed a moment to breathe.

The short walk was pretty uneventful and the barista that always loved to throw herself at Avi (not that he ever really complained) thankfully was not currently working so they were in and out in no time. The real trouble came on the way back. They were stopped by some fans who, once they agreed to take some quick pictures with, started to draw a crowd and then it became a problem. This was taking longer than anticipated and the 20 min mark had come and gone about 5 minutes ago. 

Finally he had to just walk away.

He apologized, heart beginning to race as he become overwhelmed. He tried to think of an excuse, but Avi saw it coming and quickly took his hand to pull his arm over his shoulders to help support him as the world began to spin.

He could hear Kevin in the background apologizing, but they barely made it into the apartment building before he needed to sit and just compose himself. This was NOT how things were supposed to go. 

Maybe he wasn’t as over it all as he’d first thought. 


Scott was like a caged lion. He paced, back and forth, back and forth, eyes on the clock as he waited. 20 minutes. 

“What if something happened.” Tears streamed down his cheeks, eyes darting around, constantly searching for a way to get out, to get to Mitch. 

“We would know, they would call.  He’s ok.” 

“What if he’s not! What if he’s-” 

“-Scott…” Alex put his hands on his shoulders. “He’s gone to starbucks how many times by himself. He always came back.” 

He tried to stop and reason with himself that, yes, Mitch had gone to Starbucks on his own more times than he could count, but no.  It was different now. Now there was a psychopath somewhere out there just waiting to torture them both.  He just knew that he was waiting to take Mitch away from him again. He couldn’t go through it again. He couldn’t, WOULDN’T lose him. 

“It’s been 22 minutes. Where is he?” He felt the weight settling in on him. “He promised he’d be back!!!! I’m going to find him.” 

Jeremy stood in front of the door again. He kept waiting for Scott to haul off and hit him, but he honestly cared about him too much to back down. 

Alex tried Kevin’s cell but didn’t get an answer. He tried Avi’s… again no answer. 

Then he began to worry. 

“Please let me go, Jeremy. Please! I have to help him!” 

“He doesn’t need help, Scott.” 

“He needs me!” 


25 minutes. 26. 27. 28.

Alex was just about to give in, knowing Scott couldn’t take much more of this. At this rate he imagined Scott would just end up tackling Mitch in the middle of Starbucks and never letting him ever leave the house, or his sight again. 

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