Lights - Epilogue

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Kevin sat alone in his bedroom, notebook out in front of him as he scribbled out a few ideas. PTX was finally beginning to get back to a routine again after their incredibly long hiatus. They were lucky that, although the situation was horrible, the media attention had brought in curious listeners and their old stuff had shot up the charts, videos circulating the net again as his friend’s story was rehashed over and over and over again. 

It was tough on all of them, and he worried with every single performance that Scott, or even Mitch would freeze up and panic, but RCA had provided enough security to guard the president and the only one who showed signs of issue was Scott. Being backstage again, even at a different venue, brought back memories of letting Mitch go only to have him disappear. He would rarely release Mitch's hand and instead of going in pairs to hair and makeup they all went together and just waited for their turn in the chairs.  Subtle changes had to be made. The music was still there inside of the duo, voices still holding strong, but something was missing. The connection that they'd always had had been severed between the two and many of the songs in their set.  Kirstie as well presented a few challenges.  After only a few run throughs they’d quickly realized that Run to You and Say Something had to be cut. Aha! was next to go when Mitch had stopped singing right after saying “cost you to keep me quiet.”  Thankfully all of this had happened in rehearsals and alterations were made. At least they were songs that had been staples on previous tours and now they could move to new material.

There was a strange feeling that ran through all of them during Standing By and On My Way Home, but that would eventually fade. All in all they were moving forward, some more than others.

It had been a horrible experience, but he chose to use it to better himself. He learned to appreciate those he loved. He hugged a little tighter, held a little closer, said the words he always felt in his heart but didn’t always say because he  took for granted that they already knew.

 He didn’t know what the future would hold, but he would keep doing what he always did…  live, love, pray.




Kirstie shifted on the doorstep as she waited. She’d been through so much in the past few months, but somehow she was still standing. Jeremy would honestly want her to be happy, to keep living. It was those thoughts that pushed her forward, the only thing that got her through another day. 

She smiled as a bedraggled head peeked around the door. “Hi. I know it’s early, but… can I come in?”

He nodded and ran a hand through hair as he stepped back to let her in and closed the door behind her. “Um, I’ll just go grab a shirt, I’ll be right back.  Make yourself at home.”

She ran her fingers over the back of his couch before slipping off her jacket,  placing it over the arm and taking a seat. She was worried about him, and worried for the friendship that she could see slowly slipping away.  He’d taken Jeremy’s death so personally. They’d talked about it, cried about it and she thought that things would get better, but she could see it weighing on him, distracting him, stealing that mischievous twinkle from his eyes. Frankly, she really missed him and she didn’t want to have to lose anyone else.  It was hard enough watching Mitch’s face every time he looked at her, gears turning and lips sliding into a frown. That was a struggle for another day. One friendship at a time.

Avi took a deep breath after sliding on a shirt and then a beanie. He knew he’d been avoiding her.  Every time he looked at her he felt like he’d failed her, like he’d caused her broken heart.  His nightmares were full of numbers… of choices…  of Jeremy’s face when that knife sunk into him…  of Kirstie’s tears when she saw his face for the last time before they laid him to rest. 

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