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He wasn’t scared, wasn’t nervous. There were too many things to think about to even have time for nerves. He had one objective and that was to get Mitch out of there alive. He didn’t care what happened to himself, didn’t care what happened to anyone else, he just needed Mitch to survive. 

He was silent as they fit him with a bulletproof vest, a tiny camera and an earpiece. He knew the plan, knew what he was supposed to do, but there was no doubt in his mind that he would deviate from it in a heartbeat if needed.

He listened to the briefing, listened to their profilers explain what they could about Olivier. They didn’t tell him anything he hadn’t already figured out. This wasn’t just about money. Someone who was after money wouldn’t waste time playing these mind games. 

No one was happy he’d made the decision to go in, Olivier was a wild card. No one knew if any of his associates knew his real intentions, or why they even followed his orders. Was this just for laughs or was this a call for attention? 

The latter seemed to be the most popular assumption.

He stopped listening after a bit. He only had a couple of minutes left. 

Alex was there trying to talk him out of this for the 20th time in the past few minutes. He had tears streaming down his face as he pleaded for him to find another way.

There was no other way, and he wasn’t about to wait around for them to keep violating Mitch whenever they pleased. 

This was it…  and he was ready.

Alex kissed his lips one last time, but he didn’t return the kiss. He had shut off his emotions, pushed them to the back of his mind.  He knew he had to if he was going to be able to do this.

“It’s time.” An officer led him to the front of the mayhem and through the lights and guns and bodies. He could hear a few words of encouragement and a few reminders coming from the agent, but he wasn’t really listening.  He’d never been more determined, more focused in his life. He had one thought, one goal, one thing driving him forward: Mitch.


He took the phone the officer handed him and dialed.

“That was fast.”

“I’m coming in.”

And then he simply hung up, not waiting for anymore games or taunts or anything else to distract him.

He maneuvered the food onto his arms and the beer into his hands as he headed forward into the lion’s den.

A kid probably 16 or so was at the door to help take the pizza from him and he followed him inside. He put the beer on the counter next to the pizza the boy had deposited there.

He turned to face him but instead set eyes on the only man he’d ever truly wished a thousand painful deaths on. He could see his smirk behind his mask. There were 4 armed men flanking him and a line of frightened people against the opposite wall, none of which were his best friend.  

He moved as slowly as he could so the camera on his vest could take in everything, everyone.

“So nice to finally meet you in person” 

Something felt off in his voice, but he ignored it.  “I held up my end. Your van will be here in less than 10 minutes.” 

“So accommodating.” He turned to his men and tilted his head towards the front.

“Slowly, hands on your head.” One of the other men shouted as he motioned the line of people out the front door to safety, mostly men and a couple of kids, including the one who'd helped him bring in the pizza.  It made sense, eliminate the bigger threats.

“11. That’s generous, right?” He stepped forward and quickly pulled the earpiece from Scott’s ear, stomping on it and destroying it.

“Just tell me what it is you want me to do, what else do you want from me, because we both know you aren’t just going to let me take him and go.” 

“So pessimistic. That can’t be healthy. You really should have a better outlook on life.”

“I want to see him.”

“Patience. You’ll see him momentarily.” He nodded and 2 of the four armed men disappeared down a hall.

“So why are you really doing all of this?” This wasn’t in his script, but he was curious.

“What does everyone want? Money.” 


He just grinned and Scott wanted to kick his teeth in.

“Your boyfriend, he’s feisty. I can see why you like him. Those lips…” He smirked.

Scott kept his face completely blank, his fingers idle at his sides. He had to separate it. Keep cool.

Then he saw him, apparently unconscious, being dragged across the floor between two men. He was shirtless and bloody, face a bruised mess.

He wanted to run to him, but he didn’t move, forced his eyes back to Olivier.

“You lost your cool with me earlier. I let it slide the first time, but I couldn’t help but lose my own the second time. Sorry about that.” He grinned.

“So what now? You kill me? Let him go but keep me? Play more games?” 

“You know, if I hadn’t already seen some lovely pictures of the two of you together I’d almost think you weren’t the Scott on the phone. You seem almost indifferent.”

He didn’t respond just kept his eyes on the hateful man.

“Well, a deal is a deal. The offer still stands. You can always come with me. I hear Switzerland is nice this time of year.” 

“I think i’ll pass.” 

“Suit yourself.” He nodded and the men released Mitch’s body letting it fall to the floor with a loud thud and moved back to flank Olivier.

“Go ahead. Take him.” 

He moved slowly, eyes on them the entire time. “


He knelt and pulled the broken man into his arms, feeling for a pulse and nearly crying out when he found one.  He looked him over, unsure of how to carry him without hurting him any further, but there really wasn’t any good way to go about it. He lifted him into his arms as carefully as he could, hoping he remained unconscious or his back would not be happy with the position. 

“Pleasure doing business with you Scott. Make sure you put a gorgeous blonde on the phone for me, will ya?” The horrible man walked over to the food, grabbing a slice of pizza and a beer.

Scott backed towards the door for as long as he could before he turned. He was just about to open the door when he heard the sound of shifting, just knew he had a gun pointed at the back of his head, but somehow that was ok. Mitch’s head was purposely hidden against his shoulder. He wasn’t scared as he pulled back the handle and closed his eyes.

Then a flash of light, the smell of smoke and darkness.

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