Concert Tragedy

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         Welcome, ARMY Wives! Lol, nice little name, don't ya think? Well, hopefully you can relax a bit while reading and leave your troubles behind for a while because I apparently put this man through everything and then some in this story! 
         Let me know how you like it if you have time! I aim to please! Thanks in advance!💜****OHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEEEE 100,000 views?!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!****

         I have updated this chapter and will continue to update until it's perfect! Lol I am a perfectionist.....a really bad perfectionist!

Jungkook shook the hair out of his eyes, the crowd watching as his raven colored locks bounced and fell perfectly back into place as he marveled at the thousands of Army bombs waving excitedly back and forth. He walked to one side of the stage with heart-stopping sass, his steady voice flowing easily into the microphone and bursting from the speakers, falling gently on the ears of the crowd. He grabbed Taehyung effortlessly by the arm, pulling him to his chest and putting his arm around his shoulder as if it were all part of the show, all the while staying in perfect key, just seconds before fire burst from a prop right below the stage. Taeyhyung turned to look at him with wide eyes before fist bumping him and casually jogging back to center stage together. Jungkook lowered his microphone and breathed heavily, all of his parts for this particular song being over, now all he had to do was go around and flirt with Army some more.  

He strutted around the edges of the stage, getting as close as possible to the fans to see their beaming faces, a sight he never wanted to forget. As he approached one end, he caught the look of utter shock on one fan's face seconds before she screamed so hard he could almost swear he heard it. Igniting his inner stage demon further, he suddenly jumped down from the stage and strutted right up to her, his dark eyes lighting an inextinguishable fire in the surrounding victims. He held out his hand with a twinkle in his eyes, barely touching hers and continuing to hold out his hand for others as he nodded his head and pranced along the gate.  

He knew he was good-looking; he had learned that from his fans, and he loved it when they showed him. He wasn't a bit conceded.... maybe appearing to be somewhat, but only because the feeling of being unattractive and not good enough was still deep down somewhere, surfacing sometimes in the middle of the night or when he was straightening his collar in the mirror, lacking make up to cover the many blemishes on his face. He liked attention-as long as you stayed in your lane. He welcomed flattery, but also realized it was surface level, and couldn't take it to heart fully.

He had always wanted someone to be over-their-ass in love with him, the way he felt love should be, and he wanted to be completely smitten with them as well, but he could read people easily, and what he saw was only temporary or just infatuation.... they looked at him as if they were looking right through him, not seeing him at all, rather a god of some sort, albeit a huge smile on their face and twinkle in their eyes. He felt his heart flutter when they looked at him that way, in the moment, but afterwards it sent him into a depressive state, because although he knew love was in fact, real.... that was not it. And how would he know it when he sees it?

He felt like he could recognize it, if not with his eyes, at least with his heart; his soul, but he had waited so long, watched too many movies, dreamed too many times about someone that may or may not exist.... Was she really out there? 

The song started coming to an end and he heard the cue in his in-ear monitor, indicating that he needed to quickly get his ass back up on stage before the next song started. As he turned, he saw a familiar staff member who had removed the casing around a light entirely and was haphazardly fiddling the wires with a screw driver, apparently frustrated at his failed attempts to correct the problem. Jungkook immediately grabbed the man's arm to stop him, when suddenly everything went white. He felt as if he were floating until his back and arms hit something hard, his world turning on its side as he hit the floor. He blinked, his vision coming back to him. Without thinking, he jumped up, teetering a bit as he checked on the staff laying sprawled out on the floor. He immediately pulled his in-ears out, "Are you okay?!" He asked kneeling, and aggressively tapped the man on his chest. Looking dazed, the man gave him a thumbs up, allowing him to swallow his heart. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the gate was clear where many had been packed like sardines moments before. He turned his head to find someone laying on the floor, Armies crowded around them and screaming. He jumped to his feet and peered over the gate, his heart pounding in his ears so loud he couldn't even hear himself scream into the crowd. His grip tightened around the bars of the gate as medical personnel approached him, "NO! Someone's hurt!" He refused to be removed from the situation while a fan laid possibly unconscious just feet away from him. One patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay, we have people checking them too, see?" She pointed at the crowd around the Army as the way cleared and two guys with fluorescent colored jackets approached. As they cleared, he saw blood streaming down the side of the girl's face and tried to hoist himself up over the gate, four hands keeping him in place, "We need to check you, she'll be fine, okay? Come with us." His eyes filled with tears as he witnessed the horrific scene in front of him, his mind racing, trying to put the pieces together as to how this poor Army was hurt. "NO!" He held onto the gate with all his might as they tried to pry him away to no avail, until Namjoon motioned for one to step away. He put his hands on Jungkook's shoulders and leaned into his ear, "It's okay, they'll be fine, okay? You need to come backstage, they have to check you!" Namjoon had always been the voice of reason for him, if Namjoon said it, he knew he was right; still, it was hard to leave this poor Army on the ground when he didn't even know what was happening to them. "We'll check on them, we'll let you check on them personally, okay?" Namjoon added. Jungkook reluctantly let go of the gate, not taking his eyes off the scene for a second as they guided him away. His vision started tunneling as he turned his head away and tried to focus on the ground in front of him, "Help me," he managed to whisper right before collapsing, the personnel and Namjoon catching him easily. 

A hush had fallen over the entire stadium as Armies grabbed onto each other for support, completely powerless to do anything, their hearts breaking as Namjoon and others whisked Jungkook backstage. Jin stood on stage with a confused, horrified look on his face, turning back to Army as they disappeared under the stage. He struggled to speak but he knew he had to say something, "One-" He looked around and back to the other members, watching as Jimin rushed backstage, "One, uh, one moment, please. One moment." Just as he finished, him and the rest of the members sprinted after Jungkook, leaving Armies ruminating on their worst fears. 

Have a wonderful day/night! 💜 Don't forget I am always here if you just want to talk!

P. S.

I'll love you forever if you'd vote (only if warranted 😘) Eh, who am I kidding? I'll love you forever just for reading and being your spectacular self!  😘

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