I'll Slap The Bunny Right Off Your Face

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                   Chills went down Y/N's back as she watched another female kiss her husband, her legs straddling him. She started at the video as her heart pounded in her ears. She was on the verge of passing out and the only thing she could feel was the horrible stabbing pain in her chest that seemed to get deeper by the minute. Her hands trembled so hard she dropped her phone, not realizing it. 

"Baby? What's wrong? What was it?" Jungkook jumped up off the bed, his heart starting to race.

She couldn't speak. She couldn't even blink as tears streamed down her face. 
"What has you so upset? Y/N, please tell me." He grabbed her by the shoulders as she stared straight ahead, seemingly unaware of him. 

"I... I.... I need to be alone for a moment." Her voice cracked as she pushed him away gently, everything feeling surreal. The room didn't even look the same anymore, he didn't look the same anymore. 

Jungkook stood in front of her, searching her eyes, "Y/N, please don't shut me out."

Tears poured from her eyes, "Why did you kiss her?" 

Jungkook's face dropped immediately and he shook his head, "I was trying to tell you about that! How did it get out?" He grabbed her phone and watched the video as she stood there, still stunned. "No, no, no! I was trying to tell you about this, she did this, not me! I thought I took care of it!"

"What does that even mean? You thought you took care of it?" She pushed past him and he turned on his heels to run after her.

"Don't come near me!" Y/N screamed at him as he chased her around the living room.

"But you don't understand, I can explain! I didn't do this!" He grabbed arms and pushed her down on the couch as her arms and legs were flailing. He grabbed her wrists and made her look at him. "I did not do what you saw, that is a 10 second video of a fan assaulting me, I did nothing but push her off me!"

Trying to get loose, she swung her arms around in a fit of rage. "Give, ugh, me a chance!" He tried to say as she was struggling under him. She was able to get free and turned around, slapping him right in the face. He immediately placed his hand on his cheek, stunned. He looked at her with such pain in his eyes that she dropped down on her knees, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He slowly sat down on the couch as he held his face. She had never done such a thing before and it hurt him to his core. 

"I was trying to tell you about this.... " Jungkook's eyes filled with tears.

She crawled over to him and put her hands together, "I'm sorry I slapped you, I don't know what came over me." He nodded his head, "It wasn't you, it was me. I shouldn't have put my hands on you." 

"It's our trauma coming back to haunt us." She laid her head on his lap and he laid back as he brushed the hair from her forehead, "We should both get therapy, I thought I was okay, but I guess not."

She raised her head and nodded, "We will do it together then." She threw up her hands, "Seeing that nearly killed me... and I know I should be better than that. Even if you choose to be with someone else, that's no excuse to react the way I did."

"Baby, you're human. Just like me. I shouldn't have tried to force you into listening to me... Don't blame yourself." 

She sighed and stood up, "I should have listened to you, but I wasn't feeling very understanding right then. I was just so angry, seeing you with her."

"I should have given you space, I'm sorry." She shrugged depressingly and pulled a chilled water bottle out of the built-in refrigerator in the coffee table and sank her teeth into her lip as she handed it to him along with his medicine bottle, "Ugh, I guess I'll find us a therapist tomorrow morning."

Her phone dinged and he held it up, glancing at it before his eyes widened, "Huh?" Her eyes narrowed and she took the phone from him. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" She jumped to her feet, "Do you have an explanation for this too?"

Jungkook stared at the video with his mouth open, "Wait, just wait a minute!" He held his hands up, "We were just talking about this, we can't let our anger make us act like kids."

She pushed her lips together and clenched her fists, "OOOOOH!" She screamed before stomping off down the hallway as he sat there desperately trying to figure out how to prove to Y/N that he's been faithful all the while trying to figure out how this was happening.

The guards took their phones, so it had to be someone else that would have access, but who? Everyone in his company was great and he had known them for years and not a single person would be capable of or dream of doing something like this to him or his wife.

Meanwhile, Y/N was seething in the bedroom, doing breathing exercises to calm herself down. She wanted to believe him but the second video made it that much harder. She plopped on the bed, weak from her emotions, and it suddenly popped into her head: How did they get her number? They would have to know who she is to send that to her, meaning that life was about to get a thousand times harder for them. In her anger, she had forgotten about their status, his status. They weren't just some regular, private couple that no one cared about, no, because half of them just happened to be part of the biggest band in the world, but this was her life too. She couldn't always take a back seat to his celebrity life.

She walked back into the living room, she would worry about the gravity of the situation later when she had calmed down. "How could you do this to me? How could you even let yourself get into a situation like this?" She gritted her teeth, "Do you know what this means? It means I'll never know what's real and what's not!"

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