Hit it Right

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1 Week Later

Several NXT talents including Tyler, Toni and Ryan and also the coach himself Matt Bloom, flew to Cardiff for NXT UK Takeover. The group were boarding to the plane, and Ryan got the window seat on that plane.

Surprisingly, Toni moved from her seat from back to the front, it was supposed to be Matt Bloom's seat, but he wanted window seat, so they changed.

"Sorry, it was coach's order" She giggled.

Ryan nodded, "Don't bother me when I'm sleeping" He chuckled.

Toni's seat was supposed to be next to Tyler Bate's seat. He looks really pissed when he saw Toni got her seat next to Ryan. He rolled his eyes then occupied his Headphones and tried to sleep.

They seem have some good time during the flight. They chat, playing around and listened to the same music with earphone. They listened to the Ryan's playlist which included many alternative/modern rock songs. Toni's kind of music had similarities to Ryan's, so it goes very well for them.

Wait by Earshot has been played on the playlist.

"So, tell me Ryan. Did you have someone who really close to you right now?" Toni suddenly asked some deep question.

"You mean like girlfriend?" Ryan wondered.

Toni nodded, "hmm, hmm. Tell me" She said.

Ryan got smiled on his face and had little laugh, "I've had one, couple years ago. She left me because I was too busy with my training, that was she says"

"That's really harsh" She replied.

Ryan took deep breath, "But it wasn't all her fault. Maybe it was just our unhealthy circumstances"

Toni was biting her lips, "Sorry about that" She swiped Ryan's playlist to find another song, and her swipes stopped at Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne

"Good choice" Ryan said, Toni smiled on him and both of them were chuckled. When he was looking to Toni's eyes, Toni got blushed on her cheek. She was trying to hide it, but it always shown every time.

Few hours later, Midnight

Ryan was looking to Marcel Barthel's matches and doing some research to it. He was a good technical wrestler since his day on independent scene. It was Ryan's habit to research his future opponents, even in MMA or Jiujitsu tournament.

In all of sudden, Toni's head was resting on Ryan's shoulder, in her sleep. He was looking into Toni and tried to wake her up, but he made up his mind. He let Toni rested her head on his shoulder. "She's beautiful" Ryan said in his mind after he was looking at her peaceful face while she was sleeping. It's been a while since Ryan got somebody who really closed to him, especially a girl. He was too busy with his life as professional fighters and did not have spare time to had another love relationship. It was kind of blue for him, and he seems to be a man without heart.

Maybe it is the time that he could bring his heart back to where it should belong.

Ryan take the liberty to brushed Toni's hair softly with his fingers as the sign of his caring and affection. Toni moved her head little bit and Ryan pulled his hands quickly, as his heart was pounding really fast.

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