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Suicide rate has been drastically increasing all around the world. It's felt even in the developing countries like Philippines. It has been estimated that about 1 million people die every year because of suicide. That's 1 death every 40 seconds.

The title for this is the Philippines current available hotline for people who are seeking mental health support, it's being handled by professional psychology expert and they will keep all of the things you'll share privately. It is open 24/7 but because they are still developing and only has 2 hotline, it can be hard to reach them. They offer assistance for callers experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, addiction, sexual crisis and other mental health concerns. They are very strict at choosing people who handle this hotline so people can feel safe and can share openly to what they are feeling. This is completely free and they categorize each with, mild, moderate and severe or with threat to life. Anyone who fall for the category of severe will be advised to be hooked up with a psychiatrist in a mental hospital. I want to spread awareness. I know someone who are suicidal and I recently only found out that there are signs for people whose suicidal. Disclaimer, everyone is different and if they have a sign that I state here doesn't mean he or she is suicidal, there are more mental health issues that have similarities with these said signs. First, people suffering depression, anxiety or bipolar disorders have more chance of developing suicidal thoughts. The media portrays that people with depression are quiet, shy and very introvert people but it's not. Anyone can be suffering depression whether they are outgoing and always happy. They can have depression. People often thought that anxiety and depression are the same but anxiety is the constant worry or nagging feeling whilst depression is a sudden wave of sadness, loneliness and sometimes sudden change of personality. Bipolar disorder can create emotional outbursts when triggered. I know someone who has it. I hope he gets help. Second, suicidal people talks about suicide, does internet searches about it, drinking or doing drugs and self harming. Take someone's suicide joke seriously, it can mean that they're actually considering doing it and that they're looking for your reaction about it or that it's his or her way of asking for help. If you saw someone's Google search history and that it's about suicide, don't hesitate to ask about it. Drinking and doing drugs can be one of their way trying to escape their pain. 80% of adults suicide happens when they are not thinking straight. The biggest sign is self harming. Examples of self harming are cutting, burning or poisoning. It is their way of testing out the water, if they have the will to do it. If you know someone self harming, please let them know you have their back and convince them to get help. Lastly, ( this is one of the most important and a subtle sign) past attempts, obtaining weapon, giving away prized possessions, happiness and calmness. If they have past attempts, have keen eyes and observe if they are going back to before. It's a reoccurring event for those people who have past attempts. Obtaining a weapon are more common to people in America, they have easier access to firearm and suddenly buying a weapon is major sign that they are planning to take their life. Giving away prized possessions can mean that they think it's a way for them helping someone they love after they die. The most subtle sign is when they suddenly became happy and calm. Families and friends that are around the person who killed themselves said they even saw them happy and calm. It's because they finally made up their mind, that they found a way to exit this life and found peace.

It's okay if you are suffering from mental issues, it's not okay if you're keeping it to yourself. You are more than your pains. You are more than what others think of you. Anyone can be suffering with the same issues as you, you are not alone. It's important to know that. To my friend that's suicidal, I was a terrible friend to her because I was selfish, I think I lost a part of her trust because of it but now we're in good terms and I am proud that I changed. That I let her know that I have her back. She did a terrible thing but I did the worst because I only look at her fault. Let that be a lesson to you to see past their mistake. To see this signs.

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