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Some believe in reincarnation cuz of their religion, beliefs or culture. My religion didn't exactly say it wasn't real but in our prayers it's always there, not the exact word, but the thought is there. If this is real, it's really awesome and fascinating. In my perspective, I don't think reincarnation is all fun and exciting, it's scary for me especially if I'm going to relive all of this again. I'm still figuring it out if I chose to be reincarnated or was forced to. I started thinking, "Hey, the heaven can't be that big to fit so many souls." There are 7 billion people alive and I think it was estimated that all the people who died are double the population right now. Things like this, we don't get to have an answer that's why we relay on faith to someone, to a God.

What got me into thinking all this? Well, let me tell you a story about some miracle shit that I remembered when I was little, maybe 7 years old. I was casually at my home, playing with my little brother when I had a vision of a short memory. Like a really short memory. I was standing beside a staircase like the one on Harry Potter and the hallway was connected to a dining area. I was looking at a door, pretty simple door and I heard kids laughing in the background. A girl and a boy. I can see the small pair of shoes beside the door. I didn't see it but I somehow know how I look. I have a really black hair similar to what I have in this life but I was so pale and had freckles all over my body and my eyes are ice blue with a hint of gray. And I get the knowledge that I was from Russia. If I'm being honest, how could a 7 year old me who haven't known what Harry Potter movie is and haven't heard or known the country Russia made this up? I swear I saw it and at the moment I didn't think much about it but the vision sticks to me till now. I can clearly remember it and when I told my Grandma she just shook her head and it's obvious she didn't believe me. Another weird thing happened. I helped my Grandma clean her room, I'm not actually helping cuz how am I going to help I couldn't even shower myself that time, we were sorting her old pictures and I saw one picture with a nun and a kid with black hair and blue eyes. It was an old photo she got when she met the nun. Here in our place, there are Catholic schools here with foreigner nuns and Grandma happened to meet one. I don't remember what story she told me about that picture but I swear when she showed it to me I knew that that girl was me. That kid was me somehow. I felt a connection. I didn't tell anyone cuz I didn't think much about it, I had other things in my mind that time like playing more games on our computer. Those 2 particular memory stick to me and I started to really think about it when I was in highschool. Out of curiosity, when I was in 7th grade I started to wonder about the picture. I went in my Grandma's room and look for the picture but unfortunately I couldn't find it. There could be 2 reasons why, maybe it got destroyed from the flooding that happened a few years back or she threw it away like some of her things. I was so disappointed I couldn't find it but at least I have it in my head. I swear I'm not lying or making this stuff up. I haven't talked about it this detailed yet because I always keep in mind that most people can only retain focus for 5 minutes at most so when I'm telling my friends about it, I keep it summarized and they were intrigued for a while before telling their own story.

One of my friend said that when you had a vision of your past life, it means you're going to die in a few days or weeks. I told him he's wrong because I'm the living proof of it. Nah, I'm just kidding. I don't consider my story or anything I say reliable. I'm just here to share some of it. I always think about reincarnation and I talk about it with my friends. Maybe because of our neighbor country's belief, mainly the Buddhist. This chapter has a lot of wondering, I hope I made you start question your beliefs. I'm just joking, believe whatever you want, be an atheist, you do you, create your own belief. After all, only you know when you lie so best believe what you know or what you think is true and not what you hope it is.

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