Xiumin (Exo-M)

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Author's POV

"Yah! ____ah!" You heard your name being called by someone. So you turned around to find the cutest guy in school.......Minseok.........

"Me?" He usually doesn't talk to the under class students, even though you guys have been in the same class with each other for 3 years. In fact, this is the first time he ever talked to you. I guess that's why he knows your name.

"Of course! I was meaning to ask you a question." He suddenly looked nervous. Nervous for what?

"Ne?" You smiled and added a perky tone in your voice.

"Uh, can we uh......study together?"

"Sure! How about my place?"

"Great! I'll see you after school!" He grabbed your hand and kissed it softly.
All you did was stand there blushing furiously.

'He's so cute!' Your brain seemed to tell you. You shook your head to shake out the thought.

"Annyeong!" He flashed the peace sign at you and left.

After that, the rest of your classes went by quickly.

---------Time Skip---------

"Annyeong!" Minseok stepped right infront of you.

"Yah! Don't scare me like that!" He really did surprise you. He just giggled and kissed your hand once again.

"Mianhae, Kaja?" He took your hand and started walking.

"Where do you live?"

"Down that street, it should be the 3rd house" You looked away. He was still holding your hand.

You both walked hand-in-hand until he reached your house. His hand fit perfectly into yours, like two pieces of a puzzle.

You took your hand out of his and reached for your keys and unlocked the door.

"Come in" You dropped your bag by the door and took off your shoes, to reveal your 'Hello Kitty' socks. (A/N I really do have Hello Kitty socks and they are adorable!)

"Aw! They are so cute!" Minseok looked at your socks.

"Gomawo, you like Hello Kitty?"

"Uh, Ne, but don't tell anyone. They will think I'm girly." He looked at his shoes shyly.

"Don't worry, I won't. But have you heard of the new Hello Kitty store? I want to go so bad, but I never went." You pouted at the end.

"Maybe we can go sometime" He said and you were filled with joy just as those words came out of his mouth.

"How about after we're done studying?" You suggested.

"Ne!! I would love to!" He smiled like a little girl and you could tell that you made him happy.

"Yay! Now let's study so we can go there quickly!" You grabbed your books, laying on the couch and starting to write some numbers on the piece of notebook paper you had out.

"Arasseo" He went to his book bag and sat on the couch, where you were already siting.

"Ok, let's start with this problem. 'XXXX' equals what?"

-Time Skip-

"Kaja!" You both finished studying even though you both answered the questions in under 2 minutes each. It's like he already knew everything...

"Ne!" He grabbed your hand and you walked to the bus stop.

When the bus got there, Minseok took you to the back of the bus.

"I'm tired" You said as he pushed your head slightly on his shoulder.


~Time Skip~

"Ireona ____-ah. Don't you want to go to the Hello Kitty Store?" His sweet voice woke you up.

"Ne, Kaja" You stood up and walked to the front of the bus.

"Minseok, ppali" You said still with sleepy eyes.

"Ne, Ne" He helped you down the stairs of the bus, as many girls stared you down with jealousy.

"Oh Minseok! Look!" You pointed to a huge 'Hello Kitty' sign. Without another word, you both ran to the store.

"OMO, everything is so cute!" You said and roamed around the store. You saw everything that you could possibly think of, except it was Hello Kitty styled!

"Wahh, this is so cool" Minseok whispered to you.

"Ne! Look over there!" You pointed to a Hello Kitty teddy bear that was Christmas styled. It was dressed up as an elf! There was a boy version and a girl version.

"OMO OMO OMO" You quietly freaked out while holding them both.

"We should get them!" Minseok came up behind you.

"Sure, I'll pay" You walked up to the register and took out your wallet. Being the clumsy person you are, you dropped it.

Then out of no where, someone grabbed it and returned it to you. You looked up and saw one of the "pretty boys" of your school.......Mark Tuan.

"Umm, Kamsahabnida" You blushed as he stared at you.

"No problem. Hey, um, ___. I have a question that I've been meaning to ask you. I was wondering if you would like to-" Someone cut off Mark and you looked to see it was.....Minseok.

"Hey, are you ready to go Jagi?" He slug his arm around your waist, pulling you close.

"Is this your boyfriend ___?" Mark looked at Minseok and then back at you.

"Ani! Ani-" You tried to explain but then you felt a pair of lips on your cheek.

"Does that answer your question Tuan?" Minseok smirked at the uncomfortable Mark, making your cheeks redden. What's with all these hot guys all of a sudden?!

"Uh, mianhae. I didn't mean to interrupt." He left, but you tried to call him back.

"Yah! Minseok! Why did you um....." You trailed off with your question as you finally realized what he did.

"Why did you kiss me?" You asked quickly. He didn't even answer, but instead he kissed you again, on your lips. You didn't know what to do, so you just kissed back.

You two moved in sync, almost as if you guys had practiced. You eventually separated for a breath.

"I didn't expect to confess to you in a Hello Kitty store, but I guess it's too late. Look. ____, I've liked you since the day you came into school. You amazed me on how a shy girl like you, could stand up for that girl Sohee. Ever since that day, you've been in my mind and I thought about you everyday, so all I can do, is ask you one question." He took the Hello Kitty doll, the boy version and went on one knee.

"Will you go out with me?" He extended the boy Hello Kitty to you. You pushed away the doll and grabbed him into a hug.

"Ne, of course!" You kissed his cheek and grabbed him into another hug.

"You're mine, forever"

(A/N) Hi guys~! How was it??? Did you like it? If you want more, let me know.

Request in the comments guys~
Luv chu <3

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