Lay (Exo-M)

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For my lovely~! <3

Sam's POV

It was like any other night really. The full moon glistened in the pool of darkness above. The few stars in the sky shined ever so softly.

I was staring into the peaceful space that we call the sky, as a pair of warm hands covered my wide eyes.

"Yah! Lay! I'm trying to enjoy the stars~" I peeled off his hands and placed them on my sides.

"Well, why don't I enjoy it with you then?" Lay picked you up and sat down, placing you on his lap in the process.


"Yes Yeobo?"

"Did you call Luhan to come over?"

"Yeah, why?"


Silence arouse as a car light appeared next to us, in the front of the house.

"LULU!!!" I ran up to my best friend and hugged him as if the world was about to end.

"Oww, if I knew you missed me that much, I would have came sooner! How's my favorite girl?" He managed to pry me off his body and walk with me over to where an upset looking Lay was.

"Yeobo, is everything ok?" I sat down next to him, and held his hand.

"Yeah...." K then..

"Aren't the stars wonderful?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Not as wonderful as you~" Luhan looked deep into my eyes, as if he was looking deep into my soul.

I gave him a smile, and glanced at my now red-faced husband. I squeezed his hand so he would look at me, but he didn't even budge.

Luhan moved himself closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm tired!" Luhan said cutely and put his head on my shoulder.

"Aren't we all? haha...." Lay seemed to stiffen.

"How about we go inside and watch a movie?" I asked and got up, not letting go of Lay.

"Lay, can you help me out with the popcorn? Luhan can you choose the movie? MOVIE NIGHT!!" I dragged Lay to the kitchen and turned to face him.

"Yeobo?" I asked.

"....." All he did was lean on the counter, slightly siting on the kitchen table. I brought myself closer to him, pressing our bodies together.

"Jagi, speak to me...." I took my finger under his chin and pulled his face to look at me, but he just pulled away.

"Fine, be that way"

I walked out of the kitchen, stomping heavily on the tiled floor, going over to Luhan.

"Where's the popcorn Sam?" Oh shoot, the popcorn.

"Could you be a sweetheart and get it for me?" He nodded in response and got up off the carpet and walked off to the kitchen.

Lay's POV

"Hey Lay, what's up?"

I didn't answer him as he walked closer to me.

"Dongsaeng..what's wrong?" He looked generally concerned, but he knew exactly what he was doing.

"You, that's what's wrong" I mumbled under my breath a little too loudly.

"Bwo? What did I do?" He tilted his head and made a confused expression.

"You're flirting with Sam. And you know it too" I gave him a "get out" look but he tried to look innocent.

"I'm not flirting dongsaeng, I promise" His doe eyes expanded trying to show anything but guilt. But I could see up his sleeve.

The anger built up in me and I punched him right in his face. The moment I did that, I regretted it.


Sam's POV

"YIXING!" I yelled in anger, hearing everything. I ran over to Luhan and helped him up off the ground.

"Zhang Yixing, go upstairs" I said firmly and gave him a cold stare. I returned back to Luhan, as his lip dripped with blood.

"Luhan, are you ok?!" I panicked as blood started to pour out even more.

"Yes, I'm fine Sam"

It sounded like he was more worried about Lay than himself. I tried to give him a paper towel to hold there until I could find a band-aid but he kept resisting and saying he was ok.

"Sam, look at me" His voice more worried than ever. I looked up at him to see him with a serious face.

"He's jealous. It can drive a calm man, such as Yixing, to hurt others. Go up there and talk to him. It was just one punch, don't worry. I'm a manly man!" Luhan flexed his muscles and pointed to the stairs.

"Go" I listened to my senior and walked up the stairs, still upset with Lay, but knowing that jealousy is pretty powerful. Just last week, a girl was texting Lay and I happened to see it. She sent texts saying "I love you", "Be careful sweetie" and "Call me later".
I sent the girl a text saying that she should watch herself.....turns out it was his mom.... *facepalm*

Before I knew it, I reached the door of the bedroom Lay and I shared. I knocked quietly and entered.

"Yixing..." I saw him lying down on the bed, his large hands covering his face in frustration.

"Baby, are you ok?" I asked him softly, as I walked over to our bed and sat down.

"Shouldn't you be down there helping Luhan? Seems like I'm not enough company for you anyways"

"Who said that? Lay, you are the only one for me, I hope you know that. You're the only that can make me happy at sad times, the only one I can ever kiss this way, and the only one whom I can ever love like this." The words flew past my lips before I could even think about it, causing Lay to sit straight up, staring me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Jagiya, I over reacted. I was just jealous because of how close he was to you and how he was 'un-intentionally' flirting with you." He closed his eyes and re-opened them, looking calmer.

"I love you, and only you Zhang Yixing" You leaned in and softly kissed him on the lips, enjoying the moment. He kissed you back and you both pulled away for air.

"I love you too Yeobo"

"Ewww, so sappy >.< " Luhan stood in the doorway.

"I'm sorry Luhan hyung. Please forgive me" Lay got up and whiteout warning, hugged Luhan.

"Yo, yo, yo~ relax man. We're all good! Now don't hug me too long, Sam other there might get jealous" Luhan gave a nod in my direction.

"Haha, very funny" I looked at my two boys, knowing they won't ever, ever leave me.

(A/N) This is dedicated to my favorite hyung seouly2won <3
Here's your present!!

To clear up confusision, yes I call a girl hyung, it's complicated.
Anyways, if you guys want an imagine, let me know!!! Request in the comments.

I'm off to watch Fairy Tail!

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