V (Bts) Pt.1

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Part 1

Caitlin's POV

"IS EVERYONE READY FOR OUR 7 BOYS?" The MC screamed loudly into the mic, making me cover my ears in slight annoyance but none the less, I screamed back the loudest "YES" my body could pour out. Everything felt so real, yet so fake at the same time.

But, I still couldn't believe it.

I, yes I, Caitlin Bhuwakul (A/N you better hook me up with your brother Bam cx) , was at a BTS concert in NYC!!! That's not even the best part though, I was going to get pictures with them! Can you imagine, being able to hold onto your biases soft, large, beautiful hand..... *heart attack*

"WELL HERE'S THE ONE, THE ONLY, BANGTAN BOYS" My thoughts were interrupted by the group of the night coming out from behind the dark stage to being on center stage! One by one, the 7 life ruiners walked out, flashing heart breaking smiles to all the fans that came to see them tonight.

"Fall (Everything), Fall (Everything), Fall (Everything), heuteojine. Fall (Everything), Fall (Everything), Fall (Everything), tteoreojine."

"THIS IS AWESOME" Oh yeah, I forgot I brought my crazy mess of a friend Minnie Ross, she absolutely, 100%, without a doubt loves BTS, especially her (now) 18 year old  'boyfriend' Jungkook. I couldn't help but to laugh at her eyes glued onto him, like he was all she cared about.


"I NEED YOU GIRL, WAE DACHIL GEOL ALMYEONSEO JAKKU NIGA PIRYOHA, I NEED YOU GIRL" I sang, more like yelled, really loudly to this part of the song. I feel like I was the loudest girl there, because apparently, I caught Taehyung's attention.


I ended up smiling like a total weirdo with my eyes the size of doughnuts, as he just gave a small eye smile and returned to his dancing position......wow I so just made it into his 'Book of Weirdo FanGirls'

"HOL- TAEHYUNG JUST LOOKED AT YOU" Minnie screamed into my ears with all her hopes and regrets, earning a glare and goofy smile from me, I told what I did as she held in a laugh. I was going to kick her shin, but something very strange stopped me.

"I Ne-d Y-o G-rl" Static sounds filled the room, earning a few groans and screams from the suddenness of the noise.

"Uhm, it seems that we are having tec-ical di---sulties, please stay seated" Namjoon first said it in English, then in Korean to his fellow members. I looked worriedly up onto the stage, sending each boy a glance of reassurance that everything was going to be ok.

*Buzz Buzz* A weird feeling in my back pocket brought my attention to my phone, which I placed there before the concert began.

I read the message sent from Kakao talk, gasping in horror as the rest of the crowd did the same, staring down their phones.

'Latest Kpop News: Fangirl pledges to hurt one of the BTS members at the NY concert that is being held tonight. The alleged girl says to have 'the whole place bombed killing all the fans and members in the process'. The girl posted this information via twitter, whether or not this source is reliable, is up to BigHit themselves'

"Oh no" Panic flooded my system as these words played in your mind.

'the whole place bombed killing all the fans and members in the process'

"Caitlin, if I die, my parents will be so mad!" Minnie said, as I exchanged glances with her, trying not to laugh at her small joke, but instead giving a tedious smile to reassure her.

"Everything is going to be fine, don't worry~"

"I really hope you're right"

"I'm always right"

"Name one time you were right on your first try"

"Name one time I wasn't"

"Touché" I swear, this girl and I will end up dying before we give up being dumb with each other, but that's what makes us best friends right?

I glanced up back on the stage, worry flooding over me like a tsunami. Who really wants to hurt these 7 playful babos? They never did anything wrong, and if they did, what could be so bad that you wanted to kill them?

"Cait...." Minnie pointed my attention to the sobbing Taehyung and Jungkook on stage, my heart shattering into pieces. They must've found out.....

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, sorry to have to say this, but we are requesting that all fans leave the premises. This is for the safety for BTS and you, please respect that. Thank you for coming, and go home safely" The over head speaker spoke loudly, again making me cringe with the sudden change in noise level.

"They want us to leave?!"Minnie looked like she was about to go cry in a corner, but I patted her back softly, trying to be a nice friend.

"They are doing this for the boys and us, we have to respect that" I said this with gritted teeth, also getting ready to blow a top. Whoever did this has to pay, for threatening to hurt people without a reason for it, because that's what I hate the most. People should have at least something to show for themselves, not just a statement made on twitter for fun.

That's when my plan formed into my head.

"How much you wanna bet the perp is in the stadium?" I turned to face Minnie, with a smirk now playing on her lips.

"There's a really good chance of that, thinking what I'm thinking?" I nod my head as we linked arms and became Sherlock for the rest of the day.

"Ok bye everyone!!" The boys left the stage before we could turn around to look one last time, we were so caught up with finding this person that we didn't even think of the boys and how they must feel. Tears threatened my eyes as I thought of the boys' safety, but we continued to walk to the hallway, about to go all CSI on this joint.

"Now where do we start?" I scanned the hallways, looking for a room this fangirl could be in.

"Well she must be in a dark room, but obviously still with electricity, considering she's trying to hide and that she's using her phone to share these messages on twitter. Let's check over there!" I followed Minnie's finger with my eyes to see that she was pointing at the 'Staff Only' Section.

"OMO, you're so smart Minnie!" Ad with that, we walked down the hallway, careful so no one sees us, that is, until we hit the room "Comp. Room". We both peeked into the room, walking in slowly when we saw that there were no guards. This room was filled with the most expensive kinds of computers in the world. All the screens were black, signaling that none of them has been touched in a while, except for one hidden in the back of the room, glowing lowly with life. I pointed to the computer as Minnie and I made our way to the device.

"This has got to be it. I wonder if they even cleared the history." I checked the browsing history, seeing twitter and kakao and all those social media sites on there, what a foolish 'expert' fangirl.

"Come on, we gotta find something hyung" Minnie and I exchanged glances as we heard someone coming this way, obviously it sounded like a Korean accent but we payed no attention to that as Minnie and I found a place to hide...under the desks.

"Seokjin, please, lets' look in there to see if anyone was on the computers." Shoot, I didn't exit out of the history yet!

"Arraso, arraso"


"Look! There's a computer on in the corner, surely the anti-fangirl must've been there." DANG IT, I'm sitting right under this computer, I sent Minnie a fearful look as she just put her finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet.

"OMO Taehyung, I'll never doubt you again"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, TAEHYUNG?!

To Be Continued.....

(A/N) Hey guys~~ This book is getting updated very slowly, sorry!!! Thanks to all you loyal book readers for supporting my book^^ It means a lot!

This is for my best friend in the whole entire exo planet melodymusic01 
Ilysm Caitlin💕😘💯💋🔥
This is a plot twist of your experience, hope you like it my luv~
Pt.2 coming soon!
Tell me what you guys think, especially you Cait~
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