JinJin/Jinwoo (Astro)

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Tired was an understatement for what you were. Today was spring cleaning and you and your husband Jinwoo spent all day tidying up after your two beautiful children.

As you cleaned one room, they dirtied another. The cycle never stopped.

But thankfully, Jinwoo put MyungJun and Sanha, your children, to bed early and you finished dusting and sweeping. Jinwoo helped here and there, but never fully devoted himself to being involved with it.

Wiping some sweat off your forehead, you glanced at the clock. 9 pm. Great. You flopped onto the bed and shut your eyes, wishing to spend the night at dreamland.

Here you were, frolicking in Gum Drop Field until next thing you know, it's 3 am and the love of your life is shaking you. Alarmed that it may be the kids, your eyes shot open and you stared at him.

"Baby, are you awake?" Jinwoo shook you. Nodding your head, you answered his question and woke yourself up a little more.

"Is something wrong?" You sat up and adjusted your tank top.

"I can't sleep"...

"iS THAT THE PROBLEM" You whisper-screamed at him. You groggily shot him death glares as he pouted. "Ugh, well I guess now I have to stay up with you since I can never go back to sleep with you around me"

"Thanks babe" Jinwoo looked guilty but still smiled. He grabbed your tiny waist and pulled you close to him. Still kind of upset, you turned the other way so your back was facing him.

"Sometimes I wonder how I ever got a girl like you to fall in love with me." He spoke softly. You melted at his voice and blushed.

"Awh, baby. I sometimes wonder what your life would be without me.." You trailed off, thinking of the endless possibilities of how you're lives would've changed without each other.

"Don't say that. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would be nothing if it wasn't for you babe. I wouldn't be able to sleep a night without you by my side, I wouldn't eat a single meal if you didn't cook it, and I would definitely not smile if you weren't the cause of it." You blushed so hard, you felt like a cherry being lit on fire. He pulled you closer.

"I love you so much, I can't imagine my life before you came into it. You're so handsome, I can't imagine marrying anyone else. I love the way you are, how you make me smile when I'm sad and make me happy when I'm upset. No one else can make me feel the way you do, don't forget that."

Now it was his turn to blush. He smiled his usual gummy smile as he turned you around to face him. Closing his eyes, he leaned in and kissed you very passionately. His soft lips made you want to freeze time so you could feel them on yours forever.

You could truthfully say that you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He was your world.

"Don't ever leave me (Y/N). I don't think I could ever live a day without you" He whispered to you after he broke the kiss.

"I wouldn't dream of it"

Jinwoo turned to kiss you again, but a squeaking at the door made you both sit up. There, standing in the door frame at the crack of dawn, were your two children.

"Why was daddy biting you mommy?" Sanha asked.

"Did he hurt you?" Myungjun followed.

"No no, daddy was just kissing mommy. In fact, I want kisses from the both of you, come here." You motioned for them to come in your bed. When they managed to climb onto the soft mattress, they each took a side and kissed your cheek and snuggled into bed with you and Jinwoo.

"Goodnight my Angels"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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