Shownu (Monsta X)

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Author's POV

"Bring me the garden hoe!" You shouted to your loving boyfriend. It was burning up outside, but there was no way you were going to let another day pass without doing the chores you put off for weeks.

"Okay, but let me finish screwing this in" Shownu shouted over the noise of his power drill. You looked at him, his muscles flexing as he gave pressure to the drill.

Sweat fell off his face and onto his chest, making a pathway across his defined abs. Just then, the drill stopped and got stuck. His muscles were on full display as he tried to pry the screw from the wood with his bare hands.

"Here babe, let me help"

"No! I got this." He motioned for you to move away, and you obeyed. It was a boy thing, always seeking to impress the girl.

"What the-" he grabbed his hand and put it in the light. Red liquid poured down the side of his hand as he gripped it in pain. Seeing the crimson blood on his hand, you ran to him and held his wrist.

"Here comes the lecture" he mumbled, you shook your head and dragged him to the house quickly.

"This is exactly why you boys need to admit that you need help. Such idiots"

You grabbed your handy first aid kit and looked for the antiseptic wipe. Glancing up at his scared face, you pressed your lips onto his as you pressed the cloth onto his wound.

You could feel his body tense up and you pulled back, only to retract the wipe as well. You cleaned around the wound and stuck a band aid on it.

"When will you boys ever learn"

"We won't, that's why we need to have that one person who will, by oath, take care of us and love us. Forever"

He's so lucky he's good with words.

You pat his head and went outside to where he was earlier. You stood in front of the screw and bent down to its level. Grabbing the small piece of metal, you yanked it with full force. It didn't budge.

"Babe, let me help you-"

"No! Let me try! " Accepting the challenge you yanked once more, careful not to rip your skin in the process. You scanned the area around you and picked up a tool that would do the job. Wedging the tool behind the screw, you pushed back on it with all the strength and determination you had. It was starting to move, but fully came out when an extra hand helped you push down.

"See, when will you girls learn that guys are better at this" Shownu picked up the screw and stuck his pink tongue out at you,

"Listen, I loosened it up for you" You smirked and stood up. "No need to thank me"

"Lie! That was all me, you can't deny it"

"But it's not, I did most of the work!"

You both continued to bicker back and forth until you decided to let him have the win. He was happy and not hurting himself, and that's all that mattered.

(A/N) i haven't updated since june wow. this was also really short, but it seemed sweet to me^^ if you guys have any requests feel free to dm me~

im semi-back, still working on a few new one-shots. kind of losing hope :/
maybe i should focus on my main book but eh, let's see :)

have a great day everyone <3

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