Chapter 1

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The new kingdom, ruled by Simba and Nala, started wonderfully. The hunting parties were happy with the herds, the herds were happy with the king, and everything seemed to be in perfect harmony. As Simba took care over the borders and the main duties of the Pride Lands, Nala and the other lionesses went on to hunt. Now that the rules were back, the animals that left the Pride Lands had returned and were perfecting the circle of life. But there was a problem inside the pride that could lose control.

Kosa, a beautiful, strong lioness, which was best friends with Nala, caught the attention of someone. Since Nala was out leading the hunt, Simba had some free time to roam around and talk with the animals. Nala had been reluctant about being a mother, while Simba was already laying eyes on another.

After one of the hunts, Nala and Kosa were going to travel around the pride just to have fun.

"It was a good hunt today. The lionesses are getting stronger and the animals are cooperating" Nala said with a smile plastered on her face.

"That is because we have you as queen, Nala. You and Simba restored the peace in the Pride Lands, and now everything is back to normal. I just wish we didn't have to face another era like the one of Scar..."

"Don't think about that, it's in the past. We have to think about the future, and speaking of which..."

In the far side of the border, covered by the high grass, a lion was seen crouching down. Kosa went running towards him while Nala stayed behind, looking at her best friend worriedly. The male lion came out of his hiding place and pounced on seeing Kosa. The dark fur that covered his body was slightly similar to the one of Kosa, which was a dark tan. His mane was a beautiful blonde that shone with the afternoon sun. His eyes, the color of the sea, shone brighter every time he saw Kosa. She leapt on top of him, causing both of them to fall down to the grass with laughter. Nala got influenced by it, and decided to join the couple since they already had their time and space.

"Nala, so good to see you again" said the male lion.

"Good to see you too, Halu. I see you are having fun with Kosa"

They looked at each other and started nuzzling.

"You know, I think those meerkats needed to tell me something" and with that Nala left them.

"It's good to see you again, Halu. It has been quite a long time"

"Yeah, since we were almost cubs." He laughed "But look at you, you look beautiful. What do you say, wanna come over to my pride?"

"Halu! I don't know, this is my home, and I wouldn't want to leave it."

Halu started getting closer to Kosa and started caressing her, making her a little nervous.

"Halu, please, lets not do something that we are going to regret"

"Come one, Kosa. You know you want it. Plus, you are strong, beautiful, smart, ... the list can keep going..., sexy, lovely..."

Kosa had to do something before he continued.

"Okay! Okay, but we should do it quick"

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