Chapter 8

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Kosa had fallen into a coma for almost a month when she finally came to her senses. Her weak body frame had been recovering at the time, but she had been inside for too long. Trying to get up, she noticed that a weight had been released from her body, and that her back was covered with leaves. She tried to remember what was holding her back before, when she realized it had been the cub. Immediately after this, she hurried outside, as fast as she could, since the pain held her back a little bit, and found two young lioness outside. When they looked back at her, gasps escaped their mouths, and one of them ran away from her.

"Kosa! Welcome back. The kings of the past have heard our prayers" she said.

"Thanks, but, do you know where could my cub be?"

Just when she finished her sentence, the lioness lowered her head and remained looking at the floor. In that moment she knew something was wrong. The leaves on her back started annoying her, and she tried to remove them.

"You shouldn't be removing what is healing you" Rafiki came from behind the lioness that went running away. Right behind the two of them, Nala and Simba appeared. Nala ran immediately to Kosa's side, and gave her a warm nuzzle.

"It's been so long... I thought we could have lost you"

After Nala and Kosa finished, Kosa turned to Simba, who had a weird glare in his eyes.

"Simba? Everything alright?"

He looked like he had been watching her every movement, but when Kosa spoke to him, he was back in this world.
"Yes, yeah, everything's fine. How are you?" he said, getting a little nervous.

"I feel normal, like if I haven't gone through anything" Kosa said, smiling widely to Simba. "When am I going to meet the cub?"

Every animal present there, Rafiki, Simba, Nala, and the other lioness looked at each other with worried expressions. Rafiki was the one to talk to her.

"Miss Kosa, I am afraid that the cub didn't make it"

Kosa felt that she was struck by lightning. She had to sit down and never look at the expressions of her friends. Her vision started to get blurry due to the tears in her eyes. They continued down her cheeks, later hitting the ground. Everything was silent, except the sobs that came from her. Nala reached for her, but she evaded her, and ran inside the den. She had developed a connection with the cub, even though it wasn't born. It was the only thing that relieved her in this world, and knowing that it was also taken from her, she did not find purpose in living anymore. Simba entered the den, making a weird sound with his throat in order to announce himself.

"Are you here?"

"Go away" was the only thing that she was able to say before sobs shut her up completely.

"Kosa, I can't imagine how painful this is, but I want you to know that if there is anything I can do, just let me know" Simba was about to go away when a soft muffled sound came from behind him.

"What?" he asked, not knowing if that was Kosa who had said something.

"Please, stay" she said, clearing a spot near her for him.

"Don't worry, I will stay with you. Nala could come here too-"

"No, I- sorry, but right now it be better with you only" Kosa said and rested her head in his front legs. Simba was startled. He had a friendship with her, but she did not want to go further than that. Kosa felt that he was uncomfortable and immediately removed her head from his legs.

"Im sorry, it's not like that Simba. Since my mate left, I thought I had the chance with the cub, so that I didn't feel lonely. Now that I have nothing, your presence here reminds me of the good friend that you once were. I need that friend right now."

Simba was pleased to hear that she was not looking for anything else that wasn't just friendship, so he let her rest her head in his front legs again. After a while of talking, they both fell asleep, Kosa on top of his paws and Simba resting his head on top of hers. 

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