Chapter 11

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When she arrived to the den, the scene in front of her made her extremely angry. Kosa was pinned on the floor, trying to break free from Simba's grasp, who was leaving marks on her hips. The roars were coming from her, and Simba was trying to take advantage of her. Without thinking, Nala ran as fast as she could to get Simba off Kosa. The impact was so hard, that both of them landed on one side of the den, Nala pinning Simba against the wall. She roared in his face, since it was the only way she could control her anger.

"What... were you... thinking!" Nala had to pause, since she almost couldn't talk because of the sobs. She got off him and remained silent, sitting in front of him, letting the tears fall. When Simba tried to reach for her, she turned abruptly from him to go help Kosa.

"Come on, Kosa. I won't let anything happen to you" She helped Kosa get up, and noticed the claw marks on her hips. Kosa was limping, and had to stop to rest in the short distance from the den to dinner. When they were already outside, Nala went back towards the den, where Simba was lying down, and told him. "Don't dare come to dinner. You will eat after us."

Before entering the group, Kosa had to stop and lay down. Nala went to her side, but both of them remained silent.

"I'm sorry" Kosa said, tears running down her cheeks.

Nala did not answer, she continued to stare at the ground. After some minutes, Nala continued her stride, going to eat dinner. Kosa looked up towards the sky and asked herself why she had such bad luck. It took a lot to get up, but she managed and went to the group in order to eat something.

Sarabi was the first one to see Nala, and she noticed that something was wrong. Her lowered head and slow steps indicated everything. Sarabi looked over to Sarafini, letting her know that something was wrong with Nala. Sarafina got up, since she had finished her meal, and told Nala to take her meal with her. When they were far from the group, Nala fell to the ground crying.

"Nala! Please, get up darling." Sarafina tried to push her a little, but Nala was so strong for an elderly lioness like Sarafina to help her get up. "Was it Simba?"

Nala just nodded. In her head, Nala couldn't stop reviving the scene to which she walked in to. Was it something she had done that upset Simba and he started looking for another mate? She knew that Kosa would never betray her like that, but maybe she was wrong.

"Nala, please, tell me at least what is happening to you. I am worried about you" And Nala told her mother everything.

When Kosa arrived to the dining group, everyone stared at her and remained silent. She could hardly walk. She was trying so hard to get there and lay down in order to eat. Sarabi noticed the limping and immediately went to help her. When she got closer to Kosa, she scented blood, and that is when she noticed the gashes on her hips.

"...Kosa" but Kosa turned her head away from Sarabi. The elder lioness guided Kosa towards her spot, not wanting to say anything. Nobody talked about the events of that day, and nobody wanted to question what had happened with the king. 

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