Chapter 13

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Kosa was hunting in the tall grass, in order to camouflage with it and hunt down a sick wildebeest in front of her. She was about to attack when she felt someone coming from behind. She tried to turn around without much movement so that the wildebeest didn't run away. But what she didn't know was that the other lioness was trying to attack her.

Nala was already in the air and pinning Kosa to the ground. Kosa was terrified. She didn't know what had happened to her, but her teeth that close to her face didn't mean she was playing.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shatter you?" Nala snarled at her.

Kosa was confused and didn't know how to react, but instead, she tried to push Nala off her. Since she was hunting, she had gotten healthier and stronger. She pushed Nala hard enough to take her off her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what you did. You went behind my back. You were trying to steal my mate!"


"You what!?! You deny it?"

"Of course I deny it! I did not do such a thing! I even tried to stop him but he just wouldn't listen to me. If he wants to blame someone, let him blame himself!"

Nala started for her and pushed her to the ground, hitting her hard on the ribs. She then threw her paw on Kosa's face, but Kosa tried to evade it. The fight was getting bad. Kosa knew she didn't have the advantage and that Nala would probably kill her. She, on the other hand, wasn't clouded by anger, so she used her wit to get out of the fight. She lifted soil from the ground in order to blind Nala for a moment. When Nala tried to clear her view, Kosa used this to her advantage and started running away. She remembered that she was hunting, and the hunting parties would be close from where she was. She started for that direction, and she noticed that one of the hunting party was close. Trying to run faster, she saw that Nala was closing the distance between them. That's when her rib started aching. She tried to swerve past the hunting parties, but Nala jumped on top of her, sending her to the area that the prey was in. The other lioness were around the grounds, and they noticed that their prey was running away. They noticed a commotion, and when they looked they saw Nala going after Kosa. They got mad because they thought they were playing, but suddenly Nala jumped at Kosa, biting her back. Kosa fell to the ground with Nala, and they continued to fight. Sarabi was the first one of the group to go separate them.

"Stop it! Nala get off her!" she tried to get close, but their movements were so strong she had to retain herself. Nala was biting Kosa's leg, and Kosa struck her with her other paw. Although she had her leg trapped, she pushed Nala away from her with her back legs. Nala let go of her leg and landed near Sarabi.

"STOP" Sarabi roared and stood in the way between Nala and Kosa.

Nala was about to get back at the fight when stopped abruptly. She had blood on some parts of her body and mouth. Kosa, on the other hand, was bleeding more and she was limping do to her wounded leg and rib.

"Why are you two fighting" she asked both of them, but Nala was still full with rage and started talking.
"She went behind my back and stole Simba from me"

Kosa was nearly to the point of fainting. She couldn't stand completely on her four paws, and she fell slowly to the floor.

"I didn't... " she said still trying to get up. She tried to look for Nala and direct her words to her, but Nala was pacing around her like a vulture.

"Tell them what you did! What you did to me!"

"I did nothing. It was Simba who took advantage of me. I tried to stop him"

All the lioness around were serious and looked at Sarabi, who was just looking at Nala. She felt horrible that both of them went through that pain. She needed to confront Simba. She moved away from the group and went back to Pride Rock. 

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