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Request: Himiko1009

Request: Himiko1009

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❛ ━━━━・❪ ★ ❫・━━━━ ❜

Giyu never thought he could fell in love.
Yet he was there standing in front of a girl who just takes his heart. And her name was [L/n] [Y/n], The Crescent Moon Blade.

How they did meet?

It was a hard night. Giyu being a Pillar killing demons that evade a small town on his side. In the beginning, everything occurred in the right way. When somehow in a short time more and more came, throwing themselves on the Water Pillar. Yet he knew that he could do it, but a wee harder than he thought.

As Giyu was about to slay another demon a mysterious figure did it. After a first slay from the mysterious character a few demons fell down immediately. Recognizing he can freely slay more, he did it as he thought. Few minutes later less and less demons occur in their view. The last one stood on a high rock, before Giyu took a step the secretive figure already made.

With a swift wave from their sword, they successful slice demons neck. Landing on the said rock, they turned around to Giyu, who with a bit interest on his eyes looking at their way. But after his view was clear he could identities the mysterious figure.

A girl.

A beautiful girl.

And directly behind her, a moon shining at her. Making her as some kind of 'Princess' from the moon, who was sent to help him.

Finally, the girl jumped off the big rock literally in front of him. He made a few steps back for a comfortable zone and to observe her in a better light.

"Who are you?", Giyu started the conversation, more like demanding than a question. As his guard was still on.

The girl looked at him sceptically and raise her brow at him, "And why should I tell you?"

After her question, a stare down began. Not one of them wished to lose. They didn't even properly meet yet the duo already have some kong of rivalry. The good first meeting on the start.

The girl at the same time thought about what would happen if he didn't appear here. Her town where she lived could be devastated and everyone dead. At that possibility, horror showed for a second in her head. She wouldn't forgive herself if that would take place. Gripping her blade which is found in her hand, still not backing down from the staredown. Yet she knew he was the source of survival of her town, and deep down she knew she had to thank him for it. For saving her family. Her friends. Her everything.
Sighing in defeat, she 'admitted' her lost by looking away.

"I'm sorry. It's just. . .", she didn't want to already tell an 'outsider' her explanation for her behaviour. She had a bit of trust issues. She just changes her tactic, smiled a bit and blowed, "I'm [L/n] [Y/n]."

Giyu's suspicious grew, at the girls suddenly change behaviour, and words. Firstly she had a bad attitude towards him and now she's somehow nice. He was a wee confused about it too. Just because she was beautiful in his eyes that doesn't tell she is on the good side. So he continued to be silent.

[Y/n] observed his hesitate, "I know that you don't trust or believe me, but now I want to thank you very much for rescuing this village", she bowed for a few seconds and continued. "I grew up here. So I don't know what I would do if something happens to the people living here", every word she said towards the blue-eyed youth didn't have any falsehood. Just truth. She suddenly turned around in the way where her village is, and gleam him with a blissful and peaceful smile, "I hope to see you again, Tomioka Giyu." Disappearing into the light of the moon.

Oh yes. Now he remembered why.

Her smile.

❛ ━━━━・❪ ★ ❫・━━━━ ❜

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