No Rest For The Wicked

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Two Weeks Later

Jacob walked into the kitchen to find Dani at the table eating breakfast. He frowned when he noticed that she was the only one there.

"Where's mom?"

Dani swallowed her bite of pancake before shrugging. "Work. She cleans houses on Tuesday, remember?"

Jacob shook his head as he helped himself to the food on the table. "I thought she was going to drop one of the jobs once dad died. Did she even sleep?"

Dani sighed and shook her head. "Nope. She came home from the mill, fixed breakfast then left again. She said she'd catch a nap later."

Jacob frowned as he poured syrup on his pancakes. "We're gonna be orphans if she keeps up this pace. I offered her some of my paycheck from TM, but she said to keep it."

Dani nodded. "I know, she told me, but she said that she was fine without it and that you should use it for whatever you wanted. I asked her about quitting one of the jobs and she just smiled and said she needed to work all three for just a bit longer."

"Dad had insurance, right? That should have paid off the funeral and shit." Dani nodded in agreement as he shoved the last bite into his mouth and stood up. "You want a ride to school? We're gonna be late."


That afternoon, Jax and Bobby stood watching Jacob do an oil change on a Chevy as Gemma walked up. She noticed the frowns on her son and the older Son's faces.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Jax shrugged. "Not really sure. Jake hasn't said a word since he got here after school. He seems to have a lot on his mind."

Gemma sighed and shook her head at the two men. "Well, instead of brooding about it, why don't you just ask him?" She looked over at the teen. "Jacob!" When he looked up, she motioned for him to come to them. "Come here a second, sweetheart."

He walked over, nodding to the three of them, a frown still on his face. "What's up?"

Gemma crossed her arms over her chest and lifted a brow. "That's what we want to know. The boys say that you've been quiet. Something going on?"

Jacob sighed and looked down at his sneakers before shrugging. "Not really, I guess. I'm just worried about mom."

Gemma saw Bobby straighten up and step closer to Jacob. "What's wrong with your mom?"

"Nothing, really. It's just... when dad was alive, she had to work three jobs to cover all of the expenses. I guess I thought that once he died, she'd drop at least one of them, but she hasn't. I know she's exhausted and I offered to give her my paycheck from here, but she wouldn't take the money."

Bobby shook his head and muttered something about stubborn women as Gemma smirked in his direction. She knew that Bobby hadn't really been around Shiloh much, but he seemed a little more than just curious about the other woman. She tucked that thought away and turned back to Jacob. "Well, don't you worry. I'll have a talk with her, see what's going on, okay? Maybe there's a way that we can help her out."

Jacob shook his head. "She won't take charity, Gemma. Mom has too much pride for that. She's always been proud of the fact that she took care of all of us on her own. She wouldn't even accept money from my grandparents for dad's care."

Gemma watched as Bobby reached out and patted Jacob on the back with a small smile. "Don't you worry about a thing, son. We'll handle your mama. You go handle that oil change."

Jacob chuckled and nodded. "Yes, sir."

Gemma and Jax both turned to Bobby with a smirk as Jacob walked back to the garage. Jax lit a cigarette and chuckled. "We'll handle her?"

Bobby frowned at both of them and rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant, Jax."

Gemma chuckled and nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna see if I can catch Shiloh at home."

Bobby nodded before turning toward the bikes. "I'll go with you."

Jax grinned at his mother as they both watched Bobby mount up. "I think he's a little more interested than he's letting on."

Gemma chuckled. "Gee, ya think?"


Shiloh opened her front door to find Gemma Teller-Morrow and a Son she hadn't met yet standing on her porch. She sighed as she ran a tired hand through her hair. "Well, I wasn't expecting you today. What can I do for you?"

Gemma grinned at her. "We're here to help you, actually. Jacob says that you're still working three jobs. He's concerned for you, sweetheart."

Shiloh shook her head. "I'm fine, really. I just need to pull all three for a little while longer."

She turned to look at the man beside Gemma when he spoke. She was caught by surprise at the angry look on his face but was surprised even more when he spoke quietly. "But why? Jacob says that you're exhausted and now that I've seen you, I can understand why he thinks that way. You look rung out, darlin'. You give me one good reason why you need to keep up this pace."

Shiloh put her hands on her hips and faced off against the insolent Son, completely ignoring the fact that Gemma was still standing there. "What's your name?"

"Bobby Munson."

Shiloh nodded. "Well, Bobby Munson, I don't feel the need to give you a reason for anything, good or bad. This is my life, not yours. Now, I appreciate that Jacob is concerned, and I will be sure to talk to him, and I really do appreciate the fact that you're friends with my son and just looking out for him, but I don't need or want your input into how I run my life. Thanks, but no thanks." She then nodded to the speechless man before also nodding to Gemma. "Now, good day to both of you."

Shiloh then stepped back inside and slammed the door, leaving Bobby and Gemma staring at the closed door in shock.

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