Chapter 5

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Josh Pov

(After Diana run away from us, I turn towards Logan and punch him in his face...)

How dare you to speak to her like that??? Who gave the rights to you??? Even if she is a timber wolf, she is our pack's Goddess... Don't even think about talking to her like that you idiot...

(With that I took off running to search for Diana but I couldn't find her... Please be safe Ana...)

Liam Pov

(After she took off running, I feel like I made a mistake in rejecting her but she is a timber wolf how can I accept her as my mate...)

Logan, you did the right thing... She is not capable of being our Luna or our mate... (my wolf tells me)

Xavier, she is our mate, how can you not feel the pull???

I blocked her completely I can't afford to lose our pack... (I just nod my head and start running towards my pack house...)

Diana Pov

(I am dumbfounded is an understatement... I feel like I am going to faint at any moment... My wolf sighed...)

Hey, Girlfriend doesn't worry about small matters... We have a big matter to deal with someone is coming here... He is not a human nor Shifter... Keep up your guards...

(immediately I become alert... He approaches me slowly he has a pleasant look on his face when he sees me... I look at him clearly, he looks really familiar... Suddenly I feel pain in my head and vision starts to blur... I get a flash of some memory...)

(I am standing in a cliff with bow and arrows in my back... I am enjoying the view when I hear a voice behind me...)

Art... Won't you come and hug your brother... (I turn to see the same person standing there with open arms I smile and went near him...)

Hey lo lo, long time no see brother... (he glare at me for his nickname...)

Don't call me lo lo Artemis... (I laugh at him and hug him tightly)

Ok, Apollo, I miss you, brother...

I miss you too sis... (he gives me a kiss on my forehead lovingly... My vision blur)

(It feels like some dream but why I call him brother... Is it my future or past... I feel like I am going to faint... Someone shake me, I turn to see a very concern green eyes... )

Lo lo... (he seems to be surprised first then a slow smile spread on his face...)

Art... Y- you remember me...

I don't remember who you are but when I see you I got a vision... In that vision, I called you lo lo... (I said... He nods his head...) Can you tell me who you are and why I called you as a brother in that vision...

No, I can't tell you that... Soon you will know everything but now I am here to guide you on the right path... You got a triple wolf, now you have to get your powers so that you will be prepared for the war in the future...

How do you know I got a triple wolf and what war are you talking about???

Artemis I am watching over you since your birth so I know everything about you and about the war, I will explain everything later...  (I just roll my eyes and turn to see him narrow his eyes on me... I smile innocently... He too smiles at me... Should I ask him about my shift... )

Lo lo first I was a timber wolf but now I am a triple wolf... How come I change or is there any other reason about this...

First, stop calling me lo lo... Artemis you're born to be a Thulathi Ústuriun Aldhiyb (triple legendary wolf) but first, you will shift into to a timber wolf... If your pack, family and mate accept you as timber wolf you will be just as Ice Wolf... If your pack, family and mate reject you as a timber wolf then your inner anger as fire and inner negative behavior as ice and both combined as diamond so you will be a Thulathi Ústuriun Aldhiyb...
Now you're a legend wolf... Your soul purpose in this world is really big and your participation in this war is very important for that you have to train and I will personally train you to activate your inner powers...   ( I am dumbfounded for a few minutes... I am going to be an important person... I have to fight in an upcoming war...)

For your physical training, you have to join Ritter Krieger Pack... After joining the pack you have to train as a warrior... finish all the stages and in the end, you will be competing the Alpha head for the position... In the meantime, I will help you retrieve your powers... (my mouth is in shape of O... I have to join the warrior pack and have to compete for Alpha head position... I have to become ˈælfə Koph  (Alpha Head)... For the whole world... Practically become a Queen... I hear laugh... I turn to see Apollo is laughing at my expression... I blush and smile at him...)

Don't tell anyone about your shift... I want to give your protectors the last chance to redeem their mistakes... so tomorrow you won't shift into your wolf and you will fight in your human form for that I will train you now... So do not shift in your wolf form till you compete for the Alpha head position...   (I am really happy that he is guarding me since the day I was born... My heart and mind trust him even my wolf trust him so I am going to do as he says and I am going to fulfil the purpose of my birth and save the world from this war.)

Who are my protectors? Why I am having protection...

You will know about your protectors soon... I am your brother so of course, I am very protective of you... Shall we start the training??? (I smile at him and nod my head... My first day of training I am going to give my 100% and I am going to show everyone I am not pathetic and weak wolf... I going to show everyone how strong I can be...)

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