v. the sewer to heaven

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"I'm going to kill you two the minute I get my hands on you."

"Yeah, yeah gramps." Jimin waved the second oldest's threat like it was bubbles in the air. "Help us navigate through this sewer first so we can get the fuck outta here. Goddamn it stinks here!"

"Now you know how we feel when you shit and don't air it out." V commented as he guide us through the underground Nile river of urine and feces with his trusty gameboy showing him the way. I just hope it doesn't take us to the Niagara falls.

"I don't want to hear your shit, V. I got plenty here already. Fucking gross." Jimin cursed fluently behind me while I follow V through all the shit like it's just a walk in the park. I had no choice because we were handcuffed together.

"Hello? Yoongi?" Jimin shook the device in his hands and tried to search for a signal. The voices are becoming choppy. "Hello? We can't hear your dumb ass! There's very limited signal down here. I can't get through."

You might be wondering how it turned out like this. It's a long story. Let's just say people do stupid things in the dark. The murky water was knee deep and it soiled my pants, my socks and my shoes. It feels so uncomfortable as I walk in them. It sloshes and squishes. Sloshes and squishes. I feel something on my foot. I don't want to imagine what my feet is stepping on. There were trash and all sorts of stuff floating in the water then I felt something tugging at my pants and I was unable to move.

"Wait. I got my pants stuck on something." I said and V stopped. He had to. He flashed the light on the water where my legs are deep in the swamp like water.

"Hurry up." Jimin whined. He got a bit ahead of us but he had to come back because I can't get my pants loose from whatever it was stuck in.

"I can't get it out." I told them as I pulled on it, ignoring the smell covering my hand. I might even get Leptospirosis from this. Gross.

"Just take the pants off." Was V's suggestion, earning him an earful from Jimin. "So what if she's a girl? It's Purge night. This is a life and death situation. You think they'll care about genders. We're all gonna die!"

"We're gonna die because of your loud mouth." Jimin sent his fist against the other one's arm. He's short tempered but, at least, he has manners. "Give me your Balisong."

V handed Jimin a steel thing and Jimin flipped it open with skillful hands, revealing a sharp ended blade. My eyes followed Jimin's armed hand and stopped him when he was about to cut my leg. "Wait! You're not seriously cutting my leg off, are you?"

"No, dumbass. I'm cutting your pants." Jimin rolled his eyes and I felt embarassed at my own brain function. "Now move your hands before I cut them off too."

I shut my mouth and held V's shoulder with my handcuffed hand which was an awkward position because now his hand is on his shoulder too. Jimin held my leg and made a small cut on my jeans, around my mid thigh. He placed the small knife between his teeth as he teared the material of my jeans apart with bare hands and then doing the same on the other leg of my jean.

"Fuck!" We heard a splash and Jimin cursed right after.

"What? Did you cut my leg off?" I panicked because he was still holding the small knife, in the middle of tearing my jeans.

"I dropped it." He said and met Taehyung's gaze.

V charged at him, grabbing Jimin by the collar of his shirt. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"I was helping her!" Jimin countered, pointing at me with the sharp end of the knife. I almost stopped breathing.

"Do you know that that's the only communication we have with the rest of the guys? How are we supposed to get back now?" V was still upset and so was Jimin as they exchanged glares. By now, I realized what they're talking about. It's that small device thingy.

"Uh, guys, can we calm down for a sec?" I spoke, still having the knife close to my throat.

"Forget it." V sighed and loosened his grip on Jimin. "It's probably gone now."

Jimin lowered the knife down and straightened up and then gave me a look, "Let's just get a move on. We can still find our way out."

I nodded my head and thanked the Lord for not taking my life. I'm still too young to go to Heaven. Jimin turned his back to us and led the way, while V and I followed quietly. We have been walking for around 20 mins without anyone talking. I had to break the ice, "So, what do you guys do if you're not purgers?"

"We just kill people and then get paid." V grumbled, our handcuffs clinking between our bodies. "What's your story?"

"Can you not talk to her?" Jimin warned V, looking over his shoulder. "You're giving out too much information about us."

"I'm going to talk to whoever I want." V replied, making me feel a little better even when I know that he didn't say that as a compliment. "What was your name again?"

"Y/N." I spoke, "My family left the country. That's why I'm alone."

"They left you?" Jimin laughed, joining in for the pity party. "That's pretty fucked up. So they don't care if you die?"

"Yeah.. I guess so." I answered truthfully. I've always known that I wasn't accepted. I felt isolated whenever I'm around them. "Um, can I ask something?"

"Ask away." V replied this time as he light our way. He had the flashlight in one hand.

"Does anyone know where we are going?" My voice echoed through the tunnel even though I didn't speak that loud.

"I don't know about you but we are supposed to rendezvous with our group." Jimin said and V couldn't help but get upset again, "Yeah, if only you didn't lose the only communication we have with them we could've made it out of this damn sewer by now."

Jimin stopped walking and made me panic again because I thought he was going to fight V to the death but, instead he spread his arms on both sides to warn us not to proceed. "Did you hear that?"

He walked backwards. We watched Jimin make his way to the wall and V shone the light on him. Jimin became aggressive, grabbing the light from Taehyung's hand and turning it off. "I heard something. Be quiet."

"It's probably just a rat." I whispered back to Jimin and then V added, "Or a weird mutated fish like that monster on The Host?"

"Oh I watched that!" I exclaimed in excitement because that was a really good movie. Jimin glared at me then hit V's arm, telling him to make me quiet.

"You two seriously don't hear that?" Jimin asked in the midst of the silence. I tried hard to make my ears work but I can only hear dripping of water and no other movements.

"Maybe it's just your imagination. You inhaled too much shit from here." V chuckled but then it came. We really heard something.

We all froze and stuck to the wall as close as we could. V grabbed my arm and told me not to move while we watched something or someone trying to lift the metal cover of a manhole. Stark white light shone from the ceiling of the sewer, like a beam of a flashlight.

The light shone on my face and blinded my eyes for a moment. I placed my hand over my eyes and it helped me adjust to the bright light coming from above. I saw a person from the other side of the light. Is it a person? Or an Angel? Maybe I died back at the house? Maybe we all died back there and we are just taking this sewer to Heaven as lost souls. So in that case,

"Is that Heaven?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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