Post #52, What Is This Smell? (TWEAKED VERSION)

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~A cringey tweaked version of the last poem posted in this book.~

An unfamiliar smell
What is it?
It's sweet and wishful, how swell
With a hint of nervousness and fear
You only smell it when you see them
Your heart leaping so fast, you think- perhaps the smell is phlegm?

When that person leaves, you think it might go away
But it still lingers-In a most unpleasant way
What is this smell?
It's contradictory, to say the least
But still, you want more
Like a wondrous smell searching beast

What is this smell?
I couldn't tell
But then someone came along, and told me what it's called
They said the word I was looking for, was called love

When I looked in that smelly person's eyes
I saw their sparkle and chime
A scent wafting through, saying it's goodbyes

Do smiling eyes have a smell?
Or will I never know, mind trapped in a shell?

I was told the smell was love
Well then, may I ask
What happens to that smell
If it's left alone for a long time?

Does it go away, never to stay?
...Perhaps, but may I just say
I still smell it, and very much trust
That it still lingers
Below layers of dust.

~Thursday, August 1st, 2019~

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