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I don't own the pillarmen. Just this story and my character. I DO NOT PROMOTE THE POACHING OF JAGUARS FOR THERE FUR. I AM 1000000000000% AGAINST POACHING AND WHALING.


A child ran through the forest, salty tears blurring her vision. Her hair being pulled back by the wind. The inky darkness of the forest seemed to swallow her cries as she continued to run. 'Why, why do they bully me? I've done nothing to harm them. ' she cried in her mind. Her two pieces of clothes were dirty but she ignored it and continued to run.

Out of the darkness, something had caused the small child to fall. She looked up, midnight blue meeting witch green eyes. The eyes glowed in the darkness as a shape began to form. The creatures slick black tail swished back and forth on the foliage as its obsidian fur gleamed in the night. Her pearl white claws shined in the light. Seeing the creature, the child started to cry again and tackled into the big cat.

The cat didn't mind, for the child had ran into the forest many times before looking for her. "Kalina why, why do they treat me as an outcast; I haven't done anything to them?" she cried, burring her head into the cats fur. In response to this, the cat gave a sympathetic lick. Even though Kalina, as the cat was dubbed, couldn't talk; the child still sought comfort from her.

Time Skip

The child who looked like a teen, was running through the forest. Her tears threatening to spill out. Her thought ran wild as she started to hate her tribe and her parents. A roar resonated through the jungle causing the child to stop in her tracks. The girl smiled as she saw Kalina step out of the foliage. Running to her friend, she tackled the cat to the ground. The two creatures fell with the child nuzzling her face into her friends fur.

The jaguar didn't mind, she only licked the child's hair. This caused her to smile slightly. Laying her upper body against her friends, she turned her head to see Kalina lay her head on her paws. The child had talked about her troubles and in return the cat listened, giving comfort when she saw fit.

"Kalina, your the only creature who understands me." she smiled. The big cat only huffed and licked the child's face. The child laughed as her friend continued to lick her face.

The snap of a twig ruined the happy atmosphere. Kalina growled as the child hugged her friend's neck. In the darkness two hunters aimed their weapons at the two. Kalina fearing for the child's safety, growled again.

"Shh Kalina, don't attack." the child shushed as she tried calming her friend down. Her grip on her friend tightened slightly. The two figures conversed in their native tongue. The big cat had enough and launched herself at the hunters.

The hunters, fearing for their lives, shot their weapons at Kalina. The arrow had no affect but the spear pierced the jaguars heart. Kalina fell to the ground just two feet in front of the two. They came out of the darkness, walked past the slowly dying cat, and ran to the child. Grabbing her by the arms, they tried dragging her away but she wouldn't budge. Instead, she stared at Kalina as the jaguar drew her last breath. The whine she gave as she slowly exhaled was so nostalgic for the child.

Kalina's green eyes slowly began to close and the child lost the only friend she had. The girl bent her head down, her hands fisted while darkness surrounded the hunters. The shadows grabbed the two men and lifted them into the air. There screams and shouts of fear, filled the child with joy.

She snapped her head up at the two, tears trailing down her face. "May your families be forever plagued by the wrongs you've done!" she yelled. Raising her hand, the shadows gripped the two hunters throats. Like a bug caught in a spider web, they flailed about, but the child only tightened her grip on their throats. After only a few minutes they became limp in her powers grasp. She tossed them onto the ground, and turned to her dead friend.

Time Skip ( sorry)

Two bodies burned as the child watched them, she clutched her bra ,made of Kalina's fur, on the verge of tears. "Why are you burning the bodies?" a voice asked.

The child looked to the water, midnight eyes meeting deep sea green. The small mermaid had magenta colored hair while her skin was blue. Her dark purple eel like tail was swishing from side to side. Pearl white spines glinted underneath the water.

"Why are you burning the bodies?" she asked again. "I'm burning the bodies because they took something precious from me." the child answered turning back to the fire. "Oh what did they take?" the mermaid questioned, swimming towards the child. The child didn't answer, but only clutched Kalina's fur more. The small mermaid reached her hand up, this showed the webbing in between her fingers. She grabbed the tail of the child's lower clothing.

Flashes of memories ran through the mermaids mind. Gasping she let go of Kalina's tail, and looked up at her. "Your a jaguar spirit?" her webbed hand over her mouth, backed away. The child turned to her again, "No, I'm not, but she was."

The child clutched Kalina's fur again. The mermaid was confused at first but then seeing the child's face, she understood. "I'm Mamiki, what's your name?" the mermaid asked, holding her hand out. The child looked down at her surprised. She knelt down and smiled, "Aritha, my name's Aritha."


I know I know but I couldn't resist, I just started watching Jojo Bizzare Adventure. Right now I'm on Diamond is unbreakable. Also I know I still need to finish my other fics. Anyway, I can now work on my stories at school.


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