Chapter 16

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Don't own any JJBA, just my characters. 


Kars had brought Aritha to his cave, and has been caring for her. That was a couple weeks ago, during that time Esidisi had visited. The first time he was shocked that his friend was actually taking care of the woman. Though when he told him this Kars had yelled at him that he wasn't taking care of her and that this was for his own research. The man laughed and left his cave. As time passed, Esidisi began to worry as he didn't see Aritha anywhere. What shocked him the most was that he found Santana crying in the halls, and Aritha was nowhere to be found. Immediately he brought him to Kars. 

Barging into his cave with a crying Santana, Esidisi shouted at the sanguine haired male. "Kars, you need to let Aritha go, the boy needs his mother!" Kars ignored him, and continued to care for the boys mother. "Kars!" he yelled over the childs screams. "Get him out of here!" the researcher yelled. "Absolutely not! Aritha has been with you for three months now! Whatever you've done with her, you've done enough!" he exclaimed. Kars rounded on him. "The boy cannot be near her unless, you want to cause his death!" 

The fire user blinked, he was about say something when a groan was heard. Both men turned to the bed as the outcasts eyes began to flutter open. Midnight orbs turned to the crying babe. Aritha tried lifting her arm but she was too weak. "S-Sa-Santana," her voice weak and hoarse from coughing. The two looked at each other, a mild understanding. 

Kars plucked the crying boy from Esidisi's arms and walked over to the weak women. Once he was near enough, he put Santana near enough to where the outcast could reach him but not where the babe couldn't. Her eyes followed him, in her mind she was glaring at him. If you dare harm him, I'll kill you. 

Midnight orbs looked to the boy, turning on her side so she faced him, she reached her left hand to him. Placing her hand on his cheek, she softly rubbed her son's cheek. At the outcasts touch, Santana's crying eyes opened as his cries seemed to stop. He giggled as he reached for his mother. The woman weakly smiled, "Please behave and don't wander." her voice holding love. The babe not understanding only smiled and giggled, happy to see his mother. Kars took this as a sign to take the boy away. Santana began to whimper as Aritha was getting farther and farther out of his reach. He began to cry and bang his chubby hands on the olders arm though it had no affect. "Take the boy and get him out of here." Kars ordered. Esidisi nodded as he took the screaming child from the researcher, running out of the cave. 


Kars PoV

It's been eight months, and the womans condition is only worsening. Her fevers are getting higher and her skin his hot to the touch. Hearing the flap of the curtain, I glanced to the entrance but the women coughing grabbed my attention. Getting up, I quickly grabbed a cup of water and went to her. Lifting her head, she guzzled the liquid. She coughed again, this time less hoarse.  

Looking to the cloth, it was dry. Grabbing it I dipped it in the cold water, then placed it back on her head. My eyes narrowed as the sheets were yet again covered in sweat. Growling, I yanked them off of her. Her jaguar skins were long since gone, her bare skin had bits and pieces of gray though they crumbled off when the outcast moved. 

I busied my self with wiping her down, ignoring whoever came in. "Kars, you need to stop." Esidisi said. I didn't answer only continuing to wipe her down. "Kars, she's a lost cause. You know the rumors, the stories." he pleaded. I didn't listen and turned around to grab another thin blanket when I was slammed against the wall. (AN: don't think it that way you dirty minded peepers.) 

Glaring at my friend, I brandished my bone blade. "She's gone Kars, nothing can save her! No one has ever survived the sunflower curse, and if they did. They'd never be the same person!" he exclaimed. Staring at him I said nothing, only slapping his hands away. I heard him sigh as he exited the cave. Looking back to the woman, I thought, She will not be like the rest, I will find a way to cure this disease. Determination setting my course.

It's been a year now, since the woman had gotten sick and I've tried everything I could to help her but nothing seems to work not even the masks. Looking to the woman again I sighed.  Getting up I looked at her face, her pale white face that resembled the moon. My eyes widened as they blinked rapidly. The moon, that's it. All this time the answer was right in front of us. Looking to the woman again, determination once again in me, I picked her up and raced to the entrance of the caves. The blanket she was wrapped in flapping as I ran. Reaching the entrance, I teleported to where the person named Kalina was buried.

 Upon arrival, I immediately dumped her in the water where the moon was glinting of the waters. Placing the blanket on a dry piece of rock, I pushed her down into the depths, so she could bask in the moons glow. Once I saw her reach the bottom, I ran off to find moonflowers. I ran all around the valley searching for a patch and finally I found it. Being carful, I picked a wide variety of the moons flowers. (up top) Teleporting back to the woman I saw that she was on the surface. I thought it weird but I ignored it.  Quickly placing twenty to forty of the flowers into the pond. I let them float, and soon noticed that her skin was returning to its olive tone. Sighing, my eyes watched her body float on the surface as the flowers surrounded her. 

It's only when she was floating that I noticed she had midnight blue highlights. My gaze then turned back to her face which wasn't in pain anymore but in peace. Worry started to overcome me as I stepped into the water. Walking over to her I lifted her up and placed my head over her chest. My ears picked up her heartbeat and unlike the other times, it was steady, thumping loudly against my ear. Lifting my head, I looked to the sky. Day will soon be upon us. Walking out, I wrapped the outcast and wrapped her in the blanket. Grabbing the flowers I teleported us out of clearing and to the front of the caves. Walking into the caverns, I began to walk to my cave. 


Two years had passed and Kars was having Aritha drink blood infused with moonflower seeds that he'd crush. When night came, he'd take her to the lake/ pond near Kalina's grave. Soon, Kars started to see Aritha's condition improve. He was grateful but all the all dayers he pulled, taking care of the women, were taken a toll on him. One day he fell asleep, and when night fell, he had woken up to find that Aritha was no longer in his cave. Kars sprang up and began searching for the ill women but stopped when he heard laughter from the outcasts cave. From the shadows he peeked in. What he saw made him smirk, inside was Aritha, fully dressed in Kalinas fur, with Santana high above her head. 

"Mama!" the boy squealed as his mother rubbed there noses again and lifted him up. "Yes thats right mommy's home." she smiled as she twirled around. Kars couldn't help but stare at the two, Thank the moon, she's survived. Wait why am I happy about that? She was just a research experiment, an unexpected one, but a beneficial one. shaking his head he left to go back to his cave. 


Done finally, I was having a hard time on what to write and sorry if its bad or a bit off. Hoped you liked it either way.  

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