Chapter 10

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Don't own JJBA at all just my oc. Short chapter


Aritha was walking around the caves. She held the babe who was gurgling nonsense at her while reaching his chubby hands to her. She chuckled and poked his small nose, just as she was pulling away, the boy grabbed her finger and put it in his mouth. "No, no, my finger isn't food." she laughed, removing her finger from him. The babe laughed this caused the woman to smile more.

"Well, well."

The outcast looked up only to see Carshu, Aritha held the child close to her as her eyes narrowed. "What do you want?" she hissed. "Hey, hey calm down." he said making the said gesture with his hands. Her glare intensified as he walked froward. Carshu looked down at the babe. Orange orbs meeting bright orange ones. The child's care taker turned so the babe was out of sight. "Speak you fool." turning behind to look at Carshu. "I just want my son by me as well as his lovely care taker to be my mate." he smiled.

Aritha's midnight hues widened as she gazed down at the babe. No it can be. Please tell me that it's not true. she pleaded in her mind. She brushed through the childs red hair. The boy smiled and made grabby hands at her. "Mmma"

"So what do you say?" his voice dripping with desire as he wrapped his arm on her shoulder. Suddenly Carshu was flat on the floor, his mouth bleeding. Looking behind her, Aritha's face held the cool calmness of night. "Your a liar, this child could never be your son." she said voice filled with confidence.

Turning back around she disappeared into the shadows the boy with her. The boys father stood and wiped the blood from his mouth, he smirked at the outcasts confidence.


Aritha was feeding the boy when she felt arms wrap around her. Immediately her shadows encircled the person and lifted them up. Turning, she clutched to boy tighter as she growled. Shadows threw the man into the wall causing a crack to form. "What the sun are you doing?" she hissed. Carshu got up and smiled, "I only wanted to see my future mate."

She was about to say something when the babe separated from her breast and began to cry. She quickly hushed him completely ignoring the boy's father. The man growled quietly but then his gaze turned to the outcasts bare chest. Looking to her face, he made sure that she was too occupied with the babe. A lecherous smile came as his orange eyes gazed back at her breast but both smile and desire disappeared. Aritha's shadows had covered her chest and when they left in there place was Kalina's fur. Gritting his teeth he left.


Carshu had cornered Aritha, "C'mon just think about it." he whispered in her ear, leaning in. "If you became my wife then the tribe will except you. No longer an outcast. And since I'm the village headmans son, you'll be adorned in riches."

He was about to kiss her when Aritha had punched him square across the face. "No thanks" rejecting his offer. "Getting up from the floor, he rubbed his jaw. "Why won't you except my offer?" he exclaimed. She looked down at him, this caused him to gulp. It's like staring into a starless night. he sweated.

"I know the type of person you are." her glare intensifying as she took a step towards him, "You only see women as toys and if I was to mate with you, you'd spend every waking moment trying to kill the child." she stated as she drew nearer to him. "Well hate to burst your bubble but, " pointing her finger in his face. "I don't want that for my son."

Carshu was shocked that she had called the boy her son. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to him." she stated walking away. The man only watched as she got father and father away.

He smirked as he thought back onto what his son's caretaker said. You know, she has a point. Getting up, he began to walk the opposite direction. If I kill him then she'll have to mate with me. he smiled as a murderous glint shone in his eyes.

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