Chapter 19

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Sorry if it's small for you guys but it was really hard to do this. Also the art work doesn't belong to me. Though I love the artist who drew this. Also I included Aritha's birthmark and the sun because It fell uncomfortable leaving it blank


Aritha was away hunting and the two men where left to look after the two. The two babes where crying non stop. "What are we supposed to do?" Kars exclaimed. "There probably hungry." Esidisi yelled back. The two men looked around trying to find something liquid that the two babes could eat. "What did Aritha use to feed them?" Esidisi asked searching still. "How should I know! All I've seen her use is her," Kars froze mid sentence looking down at the Santana. "I am not doing that." holding the child away. "Well what else are we going to do? They've been crying for 10 hours now!" his friend reminded. "Yes I know, but I'm not feeding him like that woman." he growled. "Well how else are we going to do it, theres no bottles for them unless you'd like to carve them from those faulty masks." the fire user growled back. "Do not bring my work into this!" Kars bickered. As the two men bickered, Santana and Wamuu watched, there cries stopping. The two men too preoccupied with arguing didn't notice that the babies started to laugh at there bickering. 

As soon as they noticed the babes were laughing at them, they looked down shocked. "Well would you look at that. They actually seem happy." Esidisi smiled. "Thank the Moon." the researcher sighed. "Now we just have to get them something to eat." Esidisi reminded. The two men groaned slouching a bit. Kars had growled when Santana had bit his finger, it didn't hurt but it did annoy him. Santana had his finger in his mouth and was gently gripping it. "Well it seems we solved that problem." the fire user voiced a smirk on his face. The researcher glared at him, "You will not speak of this to the woman." he growled. Esidisi laughed but looked down at Wammu who was reaching for his hand. He laughed again and poked his nose, the babe grabbed hold of his finger. Putting his finger in his mouth he began to feed. The man smiled as he watched the babe feed.

 "You seem to be enjoying this?" Kars questioned. The white haired male tensed a little, "Of course I am who wouldn't." he chuckled nervously. Red eyes narrowed in suspicion. The researcher huffed as he turned around. 


"I'm back!" Aritha yelled as she entered back into there home. "Esidisi, Lightshow were are my babies?" she asked looking through the home. She stopped noticing that Esidisi had both babes in his arms, she smiled at the cute scene. Wait where's the show off? she asked her self looking around. Grabbing the two babes she hugged the sleeping man. As Aritha moved Santana and Wammu had woken up, happy to see her they gurgled at her. She chuckled, continuing to walk towards there room. "Hello my little ones, has the mean old light show been good to you." 

They babbled nonsense at her which caused her to laugh. She passed by Kars' study but stopped once she noticed a fire was lit. Peeking in she saw that Kars was sound asleep on his work bench. Her eyes darkened as she left the doorway going to put the children down. 

"Alrighty, it's time for you two to go back to sleep." she smiled putting them in there cradles. Santana started to whimper reaching for his mother, while his brother began to fuss. She sighed as she looked to the two. Pushing there cradles back and forth, she began to sing (song from chapter 4). Wammu was easy to put to sleep but Santana was still whimpering. Her eyes held worry as she picked him up. "What is it my son?" she asked. "Mama," he whimpered. "Ah, don't worry I'll be here when you wake." she smiled cradling him in her arms. Santana smiled but yawned as his mother continued to rock him. Soon he was asleep and once Aritha was sure he was in a deep sleep she placed him in his cradle. Smiling she turned to look into the hallway. 

The next night Kars had woken up, he stretched his arms a blanket falling off him. The sound of laughter had caught his attention. Looking to the hall, he got up and walked to the main room. "Ok can you say Mama." Aritha smiled looking to Wammu. "Ama" he squealed. Esidisi and her laughed. Wammu's green eyes turned to Kars, a huge smile came on his face as he made grabbing hands towards the male. "Ars!" he exclaimed. Aritha and Esidisi were laughing on the ground while Kars growled. "I don't see how this is funny?" 

"Oh hush you- you stick in the mud!" the outcast yelled howling with laughter. "Ars!" Wammu yelled again. An irk mark appeared on the purple haired mans face. Wammu kept repeating Kars name. Santana looked at his brother and smiled. Clapping he laughed, "Ars." he said joining him. Kars irritation grew as the two adult continued to laugh this time louder. Kars had enough, walking to the blonde babe, he lifted Wammu up. "My name is Kars, Kars." he explained. "Ars?" 

"No Kars," He corrected. "Hahaha, Lightshow he's only 60 years old just a baby. So what would you expect of him?" Aritha asked. "I expect him to pronounce my name properly." he growled. Green eyes turned to the shadow user and smiled. "Mama!" Before Kars could blink Aritha had the boy in her arms. She rubbed there cheeks together. "Yes that's right." she smiled. "Say it again." she pleaded, stopping her movements she held the child so she could look at him fully. "Mama!" he squealed. She squealed as she smothered the boy in kisses. "That's right!" she smiled. Kars twitched at the womans excitement. "Woman stop that." he growled. 

His demand fell on deaf ears. "Oh let her have her fun."  Esidisi smiled. "Easy for you to say you haven't even had your name said before by those two." his companion growled. Esidisi laughed but unknown to them Santana was right behind him, "Acki?" white haired male, everyone stilled as they looked towards Santana. "Acki!" he exclaimed happily raising his hands. Aritha was outright laughing while Kars was trying to hide his. "Oh sure laugh it up." he sighed placing his hands on his hips. Wammu and Santana both learned a few more words and tried to say them but only succeeded in making there guardians laugh with Kars trying to hold his in. As day came, the two babes were already asleep. The woman smiled as she picked the two up and went to put them in there room. 

"Well that was fun." Esidisi smiled. "For you maybe?" the sanguine haired male growled. "Oh c'mon you enjoyed it." the white haired male retorted slapping his friend on the shoulder. Kars growled, "I'm going back to my study." he said leaving the room. His irritation increased as he heard the fire user laugh. He was about to enter when he heard snoring. Going to the babies room, he saw Aritha cuddled up to the two. He huffed and turned back to his study, grabbing the blanket that was on the ground he went back to the babes rooms. He placed the blanket over the three of them. Woman does she want them to freeze to death.  he hissed in his mind, going back to his study as he sat himself down he began to fiddle with his mask again. 


Done, hoped you all liked this chapter. Thanks for all the votes, views and comments on the story. 😆

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