Chapter 24

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I don't own JJBA at all, just my ocs


Aritha sat up in Esidisi's bed, her eyes puffy from crying. Esidisi walked in, a cup and pitcher in his hand. He smiled when he saw that Aritha was awake. "Finally your awake." he sighed, relieved that she was up. Walking towards her, he sat down on the bed. Pouring blood into the cup he handed it to the outcast. 

Aritha blinked, "What do you mean by that?" she asked taking the cup from him and drinking the contents. The male blinked as he looked at her. "You've been asleep for 6 months." he answered, taking the cup from her and refilling it. "Really?" she asked as the male handed the cup back to her. Esidisi nodded as Aritha took another sip. "Why was I asleep for so long?" she asked rubbing her finger against the rim of the cup. 

"Uh well, you see um." he stuttered rubbing his head. A flash of blonde caught the womans attention. Was that Wammu?  she wondered. Odd why did he run?  putting her hand on her chin. Her eyes then widened as she remembered why she passed out.  She gasped and whimpered causing her to drop the cup, spilling the contents. 

Gripping her hair, her knees curled up as she started to breathe heavily. Esidisi immediately came to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "It's alright, calm down Aritha." he soothed trying to calm her. There going to hate me! They won't call me mother! They'll think I lied to them there entire lives! They'll treat me as everyone else did in the tribe! They won't love me anymore, they'll shun me out!  all these thoughts ran through her head as her grip tightened. 

Unknown to Aritha she was saying this all out loud. "Aritha! They won't think that. They'll still look you up to you." he said trying to reach her. It didn't work, Aritha's tears were starting to fall again but something pushed her out of it. "MOTHER!" the woman blinked as she uncovered her face to look down. 

Around her waist was Santana clinging to his mother. "You'll always be mother, nothing will change that!" he exclaimed, hugging her tighter. Aritha blinked before she sobbed again but this time instead of sadness, she lifted her son up and hugged him. "Oh my precious son, I love you so much." she cried. Santana laughed as he nuzzled into his mothers chest. Wammu watched the scene from the shadows, a smile coming to his face. Though he looked down, Wonder if my mother loved me like that? he asked himself. Looking to the scene again, he turned around and left. 

Wammu was sitting in his room reading when a voice called to him. "Wammu~" the voice echoed throughout the caves. (Think of sleeping beauty ,the old one, where Maleficent is leading Aurora away.)  The boy looked out of the cave looking up and down the hall. "Wammu~" it said again. The boy quirked his brow wondering if he should follow it. "Wammu~" a ball of white light came in front of him. Waving itself from side to side, it called out to him. 

Mesmerized by it he watched as it left down the hall. "Wammu~" beckoning him again. He followed it down the hall but unknown to him he was walking into the darkest part of the cave. The light disappeared and in its place was a beautiful women with purple hair and green eyes. She wore a blue bra and a blue skirt that reached her knees. "Hello Wammu." she smiled her voice echoing through the cave. 

He gulped as he stepped back. "How do you know my name?" he asked. The woman giggled, closing her eyes in the process. "Oh you are silly just like your father." she said. Wammu's eyes widened, "You know who my father is?" he asked, taking a step towards. 

The woman smiled, "Yes I know who your father is. Why wouldn't I know my own husband?" she asked him. Wammu looked to her, his mouth agape. "Then, that means your my mother?" his voice holding disbelief as he took a step towards her. She nodded as she opened her arms, "Yes I am your mother, my name is Unia." she smiled. 

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