Chapter Three-Home Sweet Home

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*Percy's POV*

After the party I head up to my room to unpack the bag Bucky brought and change into something more comfortable. It's still a bit of a rush to realize I went from having no home to two. It's decked out in the same colors as my room at the apartment; blue and yellow. The bed spread is navy with small yellow flowers blooming all over it and the pillows are a mix of the two colors. I have photos absolutely everywhere, including a few of Steve's drawings. Peter almost always snaps the best pictures and I probably have the most of him and I photobombing the others. There are a few that are really special to me like the one of the whole team and I when I was younger. I have that one prominently hung both here and back at the apartment.

There's also the one with Steve, Bucky, and I at Coney Island, one with Natasha at the beach, one with Sam at a VA meeting, and another with Tony where'd I'd just managed to balance on his shoulders and Pepper wincing in the background. Suffice it to say there isn't an inch of wall that isn't covered. Save the windows. I've made sure to take at least one picture of the whole team every year. I know for a fact Tony has a wall of them in his lab and the fact makes me smile. Sighing, I change into comfy navy yoga pants, a cream and blue sweater dress, and my favorite fluffy socks that Natasha gifts me every year at Christmas. After I'm unpacked and my bag is safely hidden away under the bed, I slip on some boots to go outside.

The city isn't exactly a safe place at night, so when I'm here I take full advantage of the grounds. As I walk out, I shoot Peter a quick text before slinking down to the river. The water is peaceful and something about it makes me feel calm like nothing else. I reach a hand over it and my special deep blue appears. Carefully, I step onto the square and repeat the process until I'm in the middle of the river. A thrill trills down my spine that I can still maintain a cube like this with my weight on it. It still comes to me easily.

"Percy!" A hushed voice calls and I rush back to the dock to find Peter in the shadows. Along with someone else.

"You're getting better, kiddo." Tony praises and musses my hair a bit. "There was actually something I wanted to check out just below, you mind?" I smile and shake my head. Tony has always let me do what I want with my abilities. Not one to censor potential, he always says. It's a relief to have an adult help me out now and then to try and explain what's happening when I try something. Still, I worry what Bucky would do if he found out he knew. Probably wouldn't be good.

"You'll be our lookout, Peter?" I ask and he nods, although he looks a bit disappointed. "Thanks." I take Tony where he points over the water, then create a bubble around us. My hands lower and the bubble goes along with it so soon we're both underwater.

"I'll never get tired of this." Tony grins and pulls out a flashlight from his pocket to look at the hulking frame in front of us that contains boats and other water defense. "Pete tells me he's going to help you out with your abilities again. You sure about that?" He asks as we slowly traverse the bottom of the river.

"I have to." I tell him and he glances over at me, golden eyes barely visible in the dim light. "I have to know I can at least be in control of myself, if nothing else around me." My dreams come to mind and Tony seems to sense the something underneath because his eyes narrow slightly. Still, he doesn't push it.

"Then I hope I'm included in your team, little genius?" He offers and I smile softly.

"I don't know, Tony. With Peter I'm at least sure that if Bucky comes after him, he can get away fast enough. And since he's young, Bucky probably won't kill him. You, on the other hand, wouldn't have the sense to run. I don't want to start a fight." I tell him before he waves us up. I maneuver us back to the dock and we step back onto dry land as my bubble dissipates. His amber eyes consider my words with crinkles at the sides.

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