Chapter Eleven-Second Chances

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*Bucky's POV*

I don't think I've ever seen my girl so hurt.

Over the next week, she makes sure to never be alone and never be still. She's working with me and Natasha in the gym, running with Sam, going to the VA, working with Tony and Peter in the shop, even going to the grocery store with Steve. Every night I'm in her room or she's in mine and the purple under her eyes only gets darker. I won't lie, I'm at a loss here. She was the one that helped me heal from my PTSD, but I don't know how to help her with hers other than give her time.

She's outside for the first time in a while without running, beckoned out by Peter's warm smile, and he's talking while she practices melee on an invisible target. I'm watching from the gathering room and only glance away when Sam comes up to my left. "How is she today?" I ask softly. They went running this morning. A heavy sigh leaves him as his head shakes.

"Pensive, as per usual. Barely got her to eat two energy bars today and a bottle of water." I nod along with his words. I'd noticed she's only eating big dinners with barely anything else.

"Is there something else we should be doing?" It's rare that I ask him for advice but he's rarely an asshole about it and occasionally actually gives good advice.

"Ah, I can't answer that. I'm used to grumpy soldiers who've seen too much in the line of duty, not young girls who were attacked and betrayed on their home front. This is new territory for all of us."

"Not Natasha." I point out but he just grins.

"Pretty sure you don't want her telling Percy that killing those who oppose you makes you feel better." I snort and nod slightly. Good point.

"Not sure about feeling better, but I certainly sleep better." The woman appears to my right with dark coffee in a dark mug. She smirks over at me when I look to her, then we all look back out at Percy. Seems Peter has gotten her to sit down and she's facing the sun with her eyes shut. She's got to be cold in just shorts and a sports bra, but she doesn't show it.

"She hasn't slept a night. Nothing helps. Not even Sam's shitty tea."

"Fuck off. I offered that from my personal store-"

"The point is, nothing's working." Natasha shuts us up with a roll of the eyes.

"And I don't think anything will except time and closure," Sam suggests and then we all sigh. One takes too long and the other might not come at all.

*Percy's POV*

"I was wondering if you'd mind growing a few flowers for MJ? I want to give her something special and I know she'd like it if you had a hand in it." Peter asks sweetly and I blink my eyes open to look over at him shining warmly in the sunlight.

"I'd love to. Do you have any ideas on which kinds?" I ask him and his expression falters. Humming a humorless laugh, I reach over and simply wave my hand in front of us. "MJ's favorites are tulips and hyacinths, not sure how they'll look in a bouquet, but I'm sure she'll appreciate the fact you know her favorite flowers." He gathers the flowers in his hands, then hesitates as he goes to leave. "I'll be fine," I assure him and he crouches for a moment.

"It'll turn out alright, Percy." Peter encourages with a soft smile and leans forward to plant a gentle kiss on my cheek. I do my best to smile and nod.

"Yes, it will. But not if you're late. Go." I wave him off and relish his wide grin before he's running off. My poor attempt at a smile vanishes along with him and I take a deep breath as I fold my legs under me. I may not be able to sleep, but I can meditate. Blue fire erupts around me as I release my power and shut my eyes, letting my hands rest palms up on my knees. Sam and Natasha had both taught me different ways to meditate. Natasha was all about focusing on the self. Find the strength within and focusing on it. Sam was all about forgetting the self and focusing on everything around him.

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